Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Putin really feel the crisis."

Brookings Institution Russian expert Fiona Hill said: "They (Russia) dominated the European gas market is about the days gone." Harvard University John F. Kennedy School this summer released a report also pointed out that "the United States, Russia, China's wealth,Frac sand as well as their influence in the world, in large part with the global development of the natural gas industry are closely linked."
United States also considers that the changes brought about shale gas, Russia has long been alert. Hill said that the Russian incumbent President Vladimir Putin by the end of 2011 in Moscow said on a conference for shale gas fracking potentially hazardous. "Then I realized that he (Putin) really feel the crisis," she wrote in a blog.
U.S. media also quoted insiders as saying that shale gas development boom in the United States under the influence of Russia's energy industry has suffered crisesfrac sand companies. "Washington Post" said that as Russia's main economic pillars of the Russian gas company, and its natural gas exports to the European mainland populations are declining.
US Analysts pointed out that the face of U.S. domestic shale gas development led to a downward trend of global natural gas prices, the Russian gas company did not give a positive response, like "comatose state" in general, not only did the others in the study of natural gas development road make more investment, even ignoring the  shale gas  and other unconventional gas may tremendous impact this industry.

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