Monday, August 5, 2013

British "ban" shale gas by environmental objections

UK government December 13, 2012 approved a controversial company before restarting the larger shale gas exploitation projects. The move is considered to be the UK for future large-scale development of  shale gas  production and pave the way to help reduce dependence on imported gas, as well as ease prices.
UK Energy and Climate Change Minister David announced the same day, the United Kingdom approved boast Delilah resource re-use hydraulic fracturing technology, in the northwest region of England, Lancashire shale gas.
Kwame Delilah resources in Lancashire using hydraulic fracturing of shale gas exploitation in the spring of 2011 triggered two small earthquakes, environmental organizations met with opposition. From May 2011, the British government decided to suspend the application of  Hydraulic fracturing  shale gas exploitation projects.
The British government's decision means that other parts of such projects will be given the green light. Earlier, the British government has released news on many occasions, pledged to "ban" hydraulic fracturing of shale gas exploitation. British Prime Minister David Cameron said that the development of shale gas production will help increase domestic gas supply, reducing household energy bills.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne also said it would introduce new tax policies to encourage investment in the field of shale gas. In this regard, the British industrial sector is encouraged, but environmentalists worried.
Energy Minister David issued a statement on the government website said, for Britain, shale gas represents a new energy resource. In the UK is committed to developing a low carbon economy, the development of shale gas in the country will make an important contribution to energy security, and help the UK to reduce dependence on gas imports.
He said that after listening to the views of the experts, and based on the latest scientific research, the government before making a decision; Meanwhile, in the water power fracturing method for shale gas exploration, the government will take effective measures to control the earthquake activity.
Industry analysts expect the release shale gas could create 35,000 jobs, and 10 percent to meet the country's demand for natural gas. Although the British rock formations deep underground might save a lot of shale gas, but was highly controversial mining methods. Environmentalists have repeatedly stressed their shale gas safety concerns. They worry that the massive influx of fossil fuels UK market, thereby threatening Britain's low-carbon strategy. In their view, the government slashed the one hand,fracturing proppant advocates of carbon emissions, on the other hand encourages the exploitation of more natural gas, self-contradictory.
Greenpeace energy and climate change leader Jim Footner said: "Osborne needs to stop for gas industry relief act, and to promote investment in renewable energy technologies, rather than supporting his party alliance."
As the EU has the world's most stringent regulatory system, where the ban shale gas can imagine the difficulty, the industry must be patient and wait for the government's decision. David said that the lifting of the ban gas extraction has sufficient reason for the foundation. "Deploying any new energy strategy should be in line with our low-carbon plan. Government must consider the combustion of natural gas on the impact of carbon emissions, even though you can use carbon capture and storage technology, I also hope that the industry can provide more evidence, enable the government to safely give the green light. "David said.

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