Monday, August 5, 2013

U.S. shale oil production rose

2012 YTD, U.S. domestic oil production year on year growth of nearly 100 million barrels / day, higher than any other country. If you do not calculate the OPEC and the former Soviet republics, in the past three years, a net increase in global oil production entirely from the United States. Among these, shale oil extraction technologies contributed, and shale oil production this year, explosive growth has a direct relationship.
According to reports, the exploitation of shale oil and shale gas technology basically the same, there is no technical bottlenecks. Shale oil production technology required mainly for horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing, and this technology is in  shale gas  revolution gradually applied to shale oil extraction on.
In fact, because the technology and equipment used in essentially the same, while the U.S. domestic oil and gas price movements deviate, low gas prices, natural gas prices fell to 10-year lows, the U.S. natural gas rigs running down 35 percent, led the United States page shale gas production growth slowed, so many miners turned to shale oil.Fracturing proppant There are more than originally planned exploitation of shale gas drilling for shale oil, shale oil production resulting in explosive growth in 2012.
Related statistics show that in the first eight months, the U.S. domestic oil to meet 89% of domestic energy demand, this year the United States since 1991, the annual output is expected to reach the highest level. U.S. Energy Information Administration expects the United States in 2012 will reach 72 million barrels of shale oil per day, equivalent to 12.5% ​​of domestic oil production.
At the same time, for the exploitation of shale oil and gas fields fracking brought to the U.S. oil industry unexpected prosperity, and thus redraw the energy map of the United States. Incomplete coverage of the U.S. oil pipeline, a large number of shale oil is blocked in the U.S. oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma and the surrounding areas, which is the U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude oil (WTI) crude oil prices and the European Brent crude oil the widening spread between the price of an important reason.
In shale oil production powerhouse, with Bakken (Bakken Shale) rich oil reserves, oil production in the original small state of North Dakota in March this year in one fell swoop than Alaska. As of June 2012, a total of 4,141 wells in the Bakken production, and drilling for the entire Bakken region's largest number of 389,802. Therefore, the next five years, the Bakken has enough space for new wells, to ensure stable growth.
Technically recoverable reserves,ceramic proppant the U.S. Bakken shale oil recoverable reserves is large, at 240 billion barrels, mining cost is not high, the cash operating cost of less than $ 6, the key is too large relative to depreciation, the current boe Depreciation in the $ 20 or so, so profitability at current prices is very good.

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