Friday, August 2, 2013

French people support the exploration of shale gas - China Petroleum News

France Ifop27 pollsters released a survey showed that the French people on the exploration of shale gas has increased acceptance than in previous years, the majority of French people understand  shale gas  support proven shale gas reserves for the purpose of the French for shale gas exploration. In this age of 18 for the 1508 survey conducted over French citizens, 53% of respondents have heard of shale gas and you know what that is, this proportion increased by 9 percentage points compared with last year; 39% of people have heard of shale gas but do not know what is, only 8% of the respondents to this complete stranger. Shale gas in understanding the respondents, 58% said they support only for the purpose of scientific research carried out shale gas exploration in order to understand the French underground shale gas reserves, the proportion of 10 percentage points higher than last year. If there is a need neither water nor need chemical products shale gas mining technology, 80 percent of respondents expressed support for the technology tested. Shale gas primarily in the shale, the composition dominated by methane, is unconventional natural gas is a clean, efficient energy. France and Poland is considered to be Europe's largest reserves of shale gas in the country. Given the required mining shale gas fracking may bring harm to the environment, the French parliament passed a law in 2011 prohibiting the use of  hydraulic fracturing  of shale gas exploitation. Since then, the French Petroleum Industry Union has expressed the hope that the Government will ban the technology that allows extraction of unconventional gas .

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