Friday, August 9, 2013

Shale gas development impact on the environment

Shale gas resource development to flourish not only consume a lot of water, but also on the ecological environment will pose new threats.  shale gas  well fracturing fluids and produced formation water potential environmental hazards, these two water collectively return water (back to the original water volume accounted for 30% of injecting high-pressure liquid - 70% return water drilling muds and generally will be stored in the site wastewater pond or storage cart, and then transported to a designated treatment center for post-processing. return water in addition to containing high-pressure liquid chemical additive components, but also contain hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and high dissolved solids (TDS), of which the TDS group of including calcium, potassium, sodium, chloride, and carbonates as well as from a natural gas reservoir formation radioactive substances such as uranium,Fracturing proppant thorium and their decay products, etc.
Despite the current recovery and recycling method has the potential to reduce 80% require treatment or disposal of the return water, but 2010 is expected to return water to be treated every day there are still 550,000 gal, 2020 Linden 1.5 million gal / d. Statistics report shows that every mouth water when shale gas was 1,000,000 - 8,000,000 gal, per 1 million gal water containing approximately 20t chemicals (such as benzene, methanol, fungicides, etc.), return water salty than sea water 10 times. Back so many high salinity water, if not timely processing or cause leaks, water quality and ecological environment should not be underestimated.
There are reports that shale gas emissions generated 61% of the ingredients are harmful to health, mining in the vicinity of many trees and sewage generated due to mining waste can cause withered. In fact, due to the storage pool or ground water storage equipment rupture, equipment failure, oil spills, vandalism, accidents,ceramic ball fires, and error manipulation contain toxic substances leaking liquid will flow through surface runoff or groundwater or surface water infiltration into the underground soil and aquifer, causing environmental pollution and health hazards.

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