Tuesday, August 20, 2013

British shale gas supplier "play a leading role."

UK shale gas development is accelerating, while leading the development of this wave of "leader" is the country's largest state-owned gas supplier Centrica (Centrica). This is not the name of the first local energy company recently beat Exxon Mobil, Shell, ceramic ball  Total and Statoil four largest oil and gas giant, the British unlimited potential Bowland shale blocks 25% of the exploration permits in the bag medium. Britain, like the U.S. can exploit shale gas reshape national energy economy are not sure yet, but apparently, Centrica can not wait to be a big fight. Shale gas development "must not let outsiders fields" in northwestern England Lancashire Blackpool (Blackpool) is the UK's Bowland shale blocks considerable potential of shale assets by a small British oil and gas company Cuadrilla and Australia Resource Service Provider AJLucas jointly owned, the former is responsible for operations. Earlier, Cuadrilla has announced a near Blackpool shale gas resources of the relevant data, indicating that the region is the UK's emerging unconventional gas region. It is understood that Centrica took only 160 million pounds to "get" the deal,Fracturing proppant this is only its budget this year, 1.5 billion pounds of 1/10, including £ 40 million deal of gold, 60 million pounds of exploration and evaluation costs, and another will enter the production phase of the £ 60 million investment. The company said, is expected next year to drill a new exploration well in the coming years will be in Lancashire's six locations commenced drilling research. So far, Cuadrilla shale blocks in Bowland drill three exploratory wells, drilling preliminary data show that the block contains about 200 trillion cubic feet of shale gas. Centrica pointed out that with the constant expansion of exploration, the future is expected to achieve commercial production. In fact, Centrica's bid does not have an absolute advantage, but still squeezed out by ExxonMobil-led four major competitors, this result although unexpected, but also reasonable, because the United Kingdom does not willing to develop shale assets "Jiashoutaren." Oil and gas giants have long bought shale gas assets is not new, but like Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and Norway Petronas such a "big" at all appear on the same amount of trading has rarely occurred, these companies have been hoping in UK shale gas share of the market, but in the end was "shut out." Sources said, Cuadrilla favor Centrica, is that the company has control over energy trading may face political risks. "For Centrica, this is a goodly portion of the transaction will further strengthen the company block carriers and resources developer role." Centrica international upstream business leader Mark - Hanafin representation. "With the increasing decline in North Sea oil and gas reserves, the UK increasingly dependent on imports, the development of indigenous gas resources is urgent, the moment it is a good time, we hope to provide customers with affordable local gas source. Government commitment and shale gas development support for oil and gas companies to create a better business environment,frac sand but also for the national economy has brought new impetus. "However, as shale gas development pioneer Centrica, still faces investigations actual reserves, to appease the public safety concerns the arduous task. Right now, Greenpeace led to a number of environmental groups have been pressuring the Centrica oppose its implementation hydraulic fracturing. In addition, geological uncertainty is troublesome one, Blackpool spate of small earthquakes, causing sensitive shale gas drilling operations, the British government will enact the 18-month drilling ban.

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