Thursday, August 22, 2013

U.S. Energy uneven distribution of the rapid development of new energy

"The Christian Science Monitor" recently reported that, although the United States has a lot of energy, but the uneven distribution of different types of energy concentrated in different areas.hydraulic fracturing  1 oil, gas and coal 82% of U.S. energy consumption from oil, gas and coal. As drilling technology advances in the future for a long period of time, fossil fuels will remain the energy mix in the United States is an important component. It is estimated that U.S. recoverable coal reserves ranked first in the world. Most of the coal reserves are located in the Appalachian Mountain states and the central and southern Illinois. Despite the cheap gas for coal mining have a certain impact, but a great comeback in recent years the trend of coal, since November last year, coal-fired electricity generation accounted for 40% of total U.S. electricity generation or more, while the proportion of natural gas is 25%. With hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling technology,frac sand in the past, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and other places difficult to develop shale "unconventional" gas and oil have been mined. 2 hydro, nuclear and biomass hydro, nuclear and biomass and other clean energy is still the most popular renewable energy. Renewable energy generation is now the United States accounted for 12% of total power generation, hydroelectric power generation in the renewable energy accounts for more than 56%, the majority of dams built in the last century until the mid-1970s. Currently landfill gases and emissions from agriculture, timber industry organic waste constitutes the biomass, renewable energy they occupy 12%. In addition, the factory 65 U.S. nuclear power running 104 commercial nuclear reactors, providing about 20% of the nation's electricity. However, people's understanding of nuclear power is not uniform. Some people think that nuclear energy does not belong to renewable energy, because it is to be depleted uranium as fuel, while the reason why nuclear energy "clean" because it does not produce carbon emissions, nuclear waste and radioactive substances can pose environmental threats. 3 solar, wind and geothermal solar energy renewable energy in the United States occupied the smallest proportion of only 1%.Proppant But with the falling prices of PV cells, the solar industry has undergone tremendous growth. American Solar Energy Industries Association, said PV installed capacity in 2011-2012 increased by 76%. Wind energy is second only to hydropower renewable energy, renewable energy accounted for 28%, is expected to grow by 7% in 2013. In addition to the United States outside the inland areas, coastal areas of wind power potential is very large. In the U.S. renewable energy portfolio, approximately 3% from geothermal energy. 4 U.S. Energy overall layout of the whole, the nation's energy coal occupies the first place, but because of environmental concerns and the impact of alternative energy sources, coal's dominance has been challenged. Booming oil and gas, renewable energy potential is very large. Nuclear power has been the impact of natural gas, while the nuclear accident in Japan also suffered public questioning of nuclear power. How to use these different sources of energy, depending on the economic situation in the United States and government policy, which means a lot of competition between the industry expands.

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