Thursday, August 15, 2013

British media: British experts said global oil prices could slide

The international oil market two new issues are to OPEC (OPEC, referred OPEC) manufacturing problems, but may be sowing the seeds of the oil price crisis. The first one is the Arab world protests impact,Unconventional gas the campaign began in 2011. The second is the shale technology (horizontal drilling and  hydraulic fracturing )  the development and application of the oil-producing areas.
WANA an important influence on the political turmoil, the oil-producing countries to support the government needs more revenue to ease public unrest that social policies. This requires increased oil prices. For example, it is estimated that in 2008, Saudi Arabia requires only about $ 50 a barrel oil prices can balance its books. Last year, this value is close to $ 95.
If high oil prices to this point, the market will provoke a reaction, and this is the reason shale technologies emerge. This relatively high cost of technology has brought a substantial increase in oil production, most notably in the United States. British Petroleum (BP) released the latest "World Energy Statistics Yearbook" shows that 2012 is the history of U.S. oil production was the highest growth rate of the year.
Meanwhile, the high oil prices will lead oil demand fell. This is in the Middle East, India and China will be particularly evident. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) data, it is expected that three regions will account for 2011-2035 OECD (OECD) oil demand increases beyond 68%. However, these three areas in the past have been heavily subsidized prices, which stimulated the growth in oil demand. Today,frac sand this situation is changing. Since these three regions as price reform, the OPEC oil price will be higher required to pay directly to consumers. This will reduce the demand growth. Which will result in high oil prices is not sustainable. Improve supply and demand reduction will make the necessary high-OPEC oil prices under pressure.

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