Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Shale gas: Russia's revival of American hegemony trump card of the "nightmare"?

In  shale gas  development, the United States is well deserved leader. Rely on shale gas, U.S. natural gas production has leapfrogged Russia, to become the world's first. Even the U.S. Energy Information Administration said that with shale gas, the U.S. natural gas production in the next decade could exceed the domestic demand, the ability to export to the international market. Analysts pointed out that the U.S. shale gas revolution in the benefits will be more than just energy independence, but will in all levels of political and economic interests of a greater harvest.
In contrast, the energy industry in the economy of Russia occupies a large proportion of this is likely to become a revolution losers,fracturing proppant which not only have to face a decline in energy prices caused revenues shrink, while in international affairs may use leverage is also reduced. Before Russia either in Europe or in Asia, have to negotiate with other countries energy as a tool. U.S. media also specifically directed against the world's largest gas company - Russia's Gazprom (Gazprom), claiming that shale gas development will allow the Russian gas company was in serious crisis.frac sand However, the Russian gas company IT department staff Ivan Andrianov Evening News reporter in an e-mail interview but that the company's exports will not be much impact of shale gas, economic factors determine the United States can not to become an energy exporter, while Gazprom will continue to increase in the European natural gas market in the proportion.

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