Friday, September 6, 2013

Who created the illusion of U.S. energy independence

Pipeline capacity shortage and long-term downturn in  unconventional gas  prices , has led to a serious loss of shale gas producers , like the American flag has been the appeal of shale gas magnate Chesapeake also had to sell because of the long-term trouble, " Shale Gas Revolution" overly optimistic debt acquired assets . Only in 2012 the company sold $ 12 billion on shale gas and related assets, in order to improve its deteriorating financial position. Even so , the company's financial position had not been able to completely improve , but instead become an acquisition target .

Many former glory shale gas companies because there is not enough capacity to carry their shale gas production , the focus had shifted back towards the hydraulic fracturing of shale oil -containing reservoir layer in an attempt to start when the high crude oil prices and more Some shale oil output to compensate for the early development of shale gas alone when losses.frac sand Thus, on the one hand , the U.S. Energy Information Administration of the international benchmark oil from West Texas Intermediate crude oil (WTI) to Brent (Brent), to interfere with the audio-visual ; the other hand, they passed the New York crude oil trading market financial engineering tools WTI oil prices will stabilize in the long-term $ 95 a barrel, up and down , making investments in shale oil saw a ray of hope . Therefore, the oilfield services company received a large number of drilling contracts , shale oil rig count is rising rapidly. As of April 12 , the total number of U.S. shale oil drilling additional 2% , shale oil rig 30 new units, a total of 1,387 units, a record high but also the 1492 units. " Shale oil revolution" gave the American dream of energy independence for the hypnosis.

Issuing burning permits, lack of venture capital and investment capacity control has become a U.S. " revolution ," the knot and become another battlefield game system . If left unchecked, shale oil production continues to increase , the total flaring will continue to increase . If the expansion of natural gas pipelines , investment risk and difficult to control . And rely on income from oil and gas exploration licenses to obtain considerable state governments are unwilling to give up this piece of shale oil sources . North Dakota Industrial Commission spokesman bluntly, " If we pass to limit production methods to reduce oil flaring , then we cash income from oil will be reduced to the original level of 1/ 5 ."

Therefore, both the U.S. shale gas revolution, or because of shale oil production caused by the illusion of American energy independence ,frac proppant or a " vertical separation model" pipeline transportation system arrangement, are hidden whether the United States toward resource industries major political geography game and choice.

If you do not carefully study the history of American institutional arrangements of the game , do not understand the technical and economic , is only to study its legislative literal meaning , not only the United States can not effectively learn advanced legislation and the essence of the game , Ceramic proppant and there are likely to mislead his country's decision-makers, particularly in China shale gas industry development process.

U.S. shale gas revolution is not successful

U.S. gas production and pipeline through the adoption of vertical separation mode transport operations ,Fracturing proppant improved market efficiency pipeline , effectively promoted the U.S. natural gas market environment for fair competition formation , enhancing the natural gas transportation market efficiency , to better protect the interests of market participants . However, when the United States actually operate according to this model , they noticed that there are limitations of this system , especially in the U.S. natural gas pipeline transportation fields.

Geological theory is controversial shale gas reserves evaluation techniques do not fly and shale gas well production curves as high dive like volatility and other issues, including the ability to bear the enormous risks making the U.S. venture investment bankers are discouraged , but suppressed the pipeline investment impulse.

In the United States , if you do not see adequate and relatively stable source of gas pipeline investments go ,ceramic ball just like going to Las Vegas casino playing slot machine odds as 50% . Thus, in shale gas production curve exists huge uncertainty requires continuous follow-up and additional high investment and no natural gas pricing and other circumstances, various types of investors in the United States are extremely careful, rather transferring part of the benefit , throwing stock options to attract investment , but also do not want to have to bear the entire risk of their own works , not to mention the Obama administration is still tightly controlled start of pipeline construction permit .

And because of instability in pipeline transportation systems refuse to carry gas source to the enterprise business risk, U.S. output of a large number of shale gas be flared . American "  shale gas  revolution" not only failed to benefit all of the U.S. economic recovery , but in the last five years there is also a lot of gas flaring in increments up to three times the original level , has become the world's natural gas flaring one of the most affected countries . Flaring not only a waste of resources , but also brought light pollution and harmful gas emissions .

Although the Eagle Ford Shale in Texas oil and gas shale gas production in 2010 to 2012 increased by nearly 30 times , but the lack of capacity , the state regulatory body can only burn permits issued only in 2012 on the release of the 1963 copies, much higher than the 306 in 2010 . The state ended the first quarter of 2012, gas flaring off enough to power 400,000 households . In North Dakota , due to lack of capacity ,frac sand companies although oil companies trying to establish natural gas wells collection system , the state's gas flaring was still hovering around 30% , from satellite photos to see that the state Bakken shale oil and gas fields of the night , Chicago brightness is almost the same.

Short-term investments in shale gas investments microscopic effective exit channels urgent need to establish

Hot shale gas investments attracted many non-energy sector enterprises have been involved in shale gas blocks tender , hoping to enter the field of energy . However, according to insiders , China's shale gas investment to 2021-2030 before realization of benefits . Since the state on shale gas mining right transfer channels has not been established , shale gas  easily invest several hundred million dollars for exploration blocks , and ultimately how to achieve transfer and continue investing , the policy has yet to be perfected.
"Twelve Five" goal difficult to complete

" The reason why hot shale gas in China , because many enterprises to the field of energy resource development as breaking the monopoly in the energy sector an important opportunity for the Nuggets ." One engaged in shale gas development said . However, in the seemingly popular block bidding behind many of the industry was not optimistic about shale gas investment in the short-term benefits , and even that shale gas "second five " development goals will come to nothing.

It is understood that , since 2009, the Ministry of Land , the local geological survey department , oil and gas companies and a total of 129 completed the drilling of shale gas through  Hydraulic fracturing  and tested over Wan Fang 23 Nissan , Nissan超过10 Articles 7 , test drilling 4 , 2012 the annual output of about 2,500 Articles.

2012 in some shale gas resource appraisal wells to achieve a commercial pilot production, and has basically mastered the key technology of shale gas development . According to statistics , as of the end of the first quarter of this year , China's shale gas exploration has invested more than 70 billion yuan, more than 80 port construction drilling , horizontal wells more than 20 ports, and in Sichuan, Chongqing and other places to get the high-yielding wells. 2012 natural gas pipeline network through the 15 million cubic meters of shale gas sales , total sales of 30 million cubic meters .

PetroChina said , from the current production perspective , shale gas resources to achieve the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" identified in the 2015 production of 6.5 billion cubic meters of shale gas difficult . The source believes that the development of shale gas resource of accurate knowledge also requires a process , and complete the formation of the mature development technology also take some time . In addition, the base pipe network, the consumer market , property market and so there is a process of cultivation , current mining economy is difficult to assess .

Urgent need to establish property rights transfer channels

Although shale gas development vision worth the wait, but industry experts believe that the recent focus should be on control over resources , form a perfect matching technology , culture consumption and property markets, and should not rush to promote industrialization , but also need 5-10 years to realize large-scale industrialization of shale gas development .

"The current state only the tender is not perfect, if there is no exit channels , investors will have concerns ." PetroChina believes that shale gas resources in the formation process,frac sand if the enterprises are unwilling to subsequent exploitation , there should be an appropriate exit channel , namely the establishment of a sound shale gas mineral rights transfer market, so that the smooth continuation investment in order for enterprises to eliminate worries.

From the previous two shale gas tender results, the state-owned enterprises are the winning absolute main . Including coal power companies and energy investments directly under local or geological systems Enterprise swept the second tender bid for 19 blocks of 17 , obtained three exploration ; participate in the tender during the initial 83 companies, accounting for up to private enterprise 1/ 3 , but only two bid. ASIACHEM that kicked off this year is expected in the third round of shale gas exploration tender will continue to be state-owned enterprises.

Resurrection of the North Sea

North Sea crude oil was first discovered in the 1970s , that time limit production and OPEC Muslim revolution in Iran , the Iran-Iraq war in the oil tasted the sweetness of the developed countries suffered terribly , then OPEC can be described as the pinnacle in the right state , a resolution in relation to allows European countries into recession.frac sand companies North Sea oil not only for the energy security of the United Kingdom to provide a solid backing , but also for its early and then get out of the economic difficulties provide a boost crude oil pricing . In 1979, oil-related revenue to GDP was as high as 25% , became the bulk of the British government revenue .

But did not last long , as the oil crisis deepens, non-OPEC crude oil production in the mid-1980s began to grow rapidly , Saudi Arabia in 1985 also had to give limited production price policy , oil prices followed the highest level since the 100-year decline, British petroleum to bring benefits also become insignificant . The late 1990s, the pace of European countries to follow the UK , the government canceled the oil market entry ban , the gradual withdrawal of government funding but also the oil market , with the revocation of the Department of Energy , oil and gas industry and gradually joined the " sunset industry " in the ranks .

But time has changed, in fact , as early as last year, the U.S. shale gas revolution effectiveness to attract global attention and help Japan resolve away from Iran, to support European energy fired after the Russian Empire , the British had already can not wait to open hydraulic fracturing  and Hope If the United States can bring energy revolution in general . Over the same period . " Stubborn ," the French guy directly legislate against the hydraulic fracturing , Switzerland and many other countries are not allowed to even test . But this year, the most in love with the new energy in Germany have begun to close hydraulic fracturing , indicating that the British chose to follow the United States from the outset , is a relatively clear-cut decision. But the British apparently no Americans favorable conditions , resource endowments low , immature technology , policy and infrastructure are inadequate, the problem of higher environmental requirements will not be doomed British shale revolution broke out , and that the best way to natural or regression - the North Sea.

In 2011, British Prime Minister Osborne proposed raising taxes on the oil sector £ 2 billion program once shocked the industry , the UK North Sea oil fields to operators levy 62% -81 % marginal tax rate . But over the past two years, clean energy that leads to nowhere , the British government in order to avoid the re-emergence of the North Sea after 20 years of dry Ze and fishing situation, began to pay more to encourage small and medium sized oil companies adopt new technologies to promote the exploitation of oil fields .Proppant The British government has increased the "alternative oilfield " support efforts to make the past can not be commercialized projects eventually commercialized.

McCarthy : coal in the energy mix is still important to the United States

U.S. President Barack Obama picked the next U.S. Environmental Protection Bureau, Gina ? McCarthy (Gina McCarthy) days prior to the Senate panel that coal will remain in the United States to occupy an important position in the energy mix , and therefore the implementation of new coal-fired plants pollution regulations in the process ,hydraulic fracturing the EPA will adopt a flexible strategy . According to Reuters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to promote new legislation as soon as possible to curb carbon emissions from power plants , is now in charge of its field of Air and Radiation, McCarthy was Assistant Secretary of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, where Republican members questioned. McCarthy was born in Boston, are striving for the Senate's approval in order to become successful in February this year of former EPA Administrator Lisa ? Jackson (Lisa Jackson) successor. McCarthy said : "Coal has been and will remain an important energy source in the United States , one of the rules we developed a flexible standard , which is to take seriously my job ." Wyoming John ? Valparaiso (John Barrasso) and Oklahoma State 's James ? Inhofe (James Inhofe) and other Republican senators question exam McCarthy said that these regulations rely on coal as its main energy states what the economic impact ,Frac sand and her unemployment resulting from coal-fired plants shut down What feelings. Valparaiso , said the new regulations hinder the construction of new coal-fired power plants , and may lead to closure of existing coal-fired power plants , and these regulations have caused in Wyoming "long-term unemployed ." He asked : "The Environmental Protection Agency officials also how many times ( allocation rule ) will cancel these will make another miner families into unemployment, poverty and unhealthy regulations ? " McCarthy in charge of the field emission regulations are being developed , she said EPA will leave some room business , making them through the transformation to meet those standards. Democrats emphasized in his opening remarks at the hearing McCarthy 's bipartisan background , including the 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt ? Romney (Mitt Romney) served as governor of Massachusetts , she served as the state 's chief environmental officer working for the Romney . Hearing, Republican lawmakers have several rounds of questions focused on the transparency of the EPA , and its e-mail account is used. Republicans pointed out that EPA officials had used a number of private e-mail in order to conceal the council debate on the rulemaking . " EPA has been an abuse phenomenon of private e-mail account ." Louisiana Republican David ? Witt (David Vitter) , said, " Obviously, in many cases , this practice is used to prevent information disclosure ." Leaves green Bureau before Jackson but had to use a government allocation to fake name Richard ? Windsor (Richard Windsor) registered e-mail address and criticized by Republicans . According to lawmakers and public interest organizations to monitor the views of Jackson write messages using the account may not meet the " Freedom of Information Act " requirements, also failed to incorporate the national archives . McCarthy said , the EPA Inspector General is an internal review of communications for the council . " We are doing everything we can to improve the EPA's communications system ." She said. But McCarthy said she did not use private email processing EPA business and quipped: "As a 58 -year-old man, there was a good thing ,ceramic ball I do not know how to use instant messaging tools ." McCarthy also told lawmakers that she knew to state and federal regulatory agencies and the need for cooperation between local authorities . McCarthy said: " I ​​once worked for a number of state and local communities , and I understand the pressure on them ." Senate Environment and Public Works Committee person in charge of the California Democratic Sen. Barbara ? Boxer (Barbara Boxer) , said McCarthy's nomination "It should be smooth sailing ." However, it is not known to the full Senate vote on the nomination of McCarthy's committee schedule . If the appointment is approved, McCarthy will join other officials deal with the emergence of the U.S. domestic energy policy differences, differences exist in the current climate change, fracking and to determine the intensity and other aspects of U.S. natural gas exports .