Friday, September 6, 2013

McCarthy : coal in the energy mix is still important to the United States

U.S. President Barack Obama picked the next U.S. Environmental Protection Bureau, Gina ? McCarthy (Gina McCarthy) days prior to the Senate panel that coal will remain in the United States to occupy an important position in the energy mix , and therefore the implementation of new coal-fired plants pollution regulations in the process ,hydraulic fracturing the EPA will adopt a flexible strategy . According to Reuters, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency plans to promote new legislation as soon as possible to curb carbon emissions from power plants , is now in charge of its field of Air and Radiation, McCarthy was Assistant Secretary of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, where Republican members questioned. McCarthy was born in Boston, are striving for the Senate's approval in order to become successful in February this year of former EPA Administrator Lisa ? Jackson (Lisa Jackson) successor. McCarthy said : "Coal has been and will remain an important energy source in the United States , one of the rules we developed a flexible standard , which is to take seriously my job ." Wyoming John ? Valparaiso (John Barrasso) and Oklahoma State 's James ? Inhofe (James Inhofe) and other Republican senators question exam McCarthy said that these regulations rely on coal as its main energy states what the economic impact ,Frac sand and her unemployment resulting from coal-fired plants shut down What feelings. Valparaiso , said the new regulations hinder the construction of new coal-fired power plants , and may lead to closure of existing coal-fired power plants , and these regulations have caused in Wyoming "long-term unemployed ." He asked : "The Environmental Protection Agency officials also how many times ( allocation rule ) will cancel these will make another miner families into unemployment, poverty and unhealthy regulations ? " McCarthy in charge of the field emission regulations are being developed , she said EPA will leave some room business , making them through the transformation to meet those standards. Democrats emphasized in his opening remarks at the hearing McCarthy 's bipartisan background , including the 2012 Republican presidential candidate Mitt ? Romney (Mitt Romney) served as governor of Massachusetts , she served as the state 's chief environmental officer working for the Romney . Hearing, Republican lawmakers have several rounds of questions focused on the transparency of the EPA , and its e-mail account is used. Republicans pointed out that EPA officials had used a number of private e-mail in order to conceal the council debate on the rulemaking . " EPA has been an abuse phenomenon of private e-mail account ." Louisiana Republican David ? Witt (David Vitter) , said, " Obviously, in many cases , this practice is used to prevent information disclosure ." Leaves green Bureau before Jackson but had to use a government allocation to fake name Richard ? Windsor (Richard Windsor) registered e-mail address and criticized by Republicans . According to lawmakers and public interest organizations to monitor the views of Jackson write messages using the account may not meet the " Freedom of Information Act " requirements, also failed to incorporate the national archives . McCarthy said , the EPA Inspector General is an internal review of communications for the council . " We are doing everything we can to improve the EPA's communications system ." She said. But McCarthy said she did not use private email processing EPA business and quipped: "As a 58 -year-old man, there was a good thing ,ceramic ball I do not know how to use instant messaging tools ." McCarthy also told lawmakers that she knew to state and federal regulatory agencies and the need for cooperation between local authorities . McCarthy said: " I ​​once worked for a number of state and local communities , and I understand the pressure on them ." Senate Environment and Public Works Committee person in charge of the California Democratic Sen. Barbara ? Boxer (Barbara Boxer) , said McCarthy's nomination "It should be smooth sailing ." However, it is not known to the full Senate vote on the nomination of McCarthy's committee schedule . If the appointment is approved, McCarthy will join other officials deal with the emergence of the U.S. domestic energy policy differences, differences exist in the current climate change, fracking and to determine the intensity and other aspects of U.S. natural gas exports .

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