Friday, September 6, 2013

Resurrection of the North Sea

North Sea crude oil was first discovered in the 1970s , that time limit production and OPEC Muslim revolution in Iran , the Iran-Iraq war in the oil tasted the sweetness of the developed countries suffered terribly , then OPEC can be described as the pinnacle in the right state , a resolution in relation to allows European countries into recession.frac sand companies North Sea oil not only for the energy security of the United Kingdom to provide a solid backing , but also for its early and then get out of the economic difficulties provide a boost crude oil pricing . In 1979, oil-related revenue to GDP was as high as 25% , became the bulk of the British government revenue .

But did not last long , as the oil crisis deepens, non-OPEC crude oil production in the mid-1980s began to grow rapidly , Saudi Arabia in 1985 also had to give limited production price policy , oil prices followed the highest level since the 100-year decline, British petroleum to bring benefits also become insignificant . The late 1990s, the pace of European countries to follow the UK , the government canceled the oil market entry ban , the gradual withdrawal of government funding but also the oil market , with the revocation of the Department of Energy , oil and gas industry and gradually joined the " sunset industry " in the ranks .

But time has changed, in fact , as early as last year, the U.S. shale gas revolution effectiveness to attract global attention and help Japan resolve away from Iran, to support European energy fired after the Russian Empire , the British had already can not wait to open hydraulic fracturing  and Hope If the United States can bring energy revolution in general . Over the same period . " Stubborn ," the French guy directly legislate against the hydraulic fracturing , Switzerland and many other countries are not allowed to even test . But this year, the most in love with the new energy in Germany have begun to close hydraulic fracturing , indicating that the British chose to follow the United States from the outset , is a relatively clear-cut decision. But the British apparently no Americans favorable conditions , resource endowments low , immature technology , policy and infrastructure are inadequate, the problem of higher environmental requirements will not be doomed British shale revolution broke out , and that the best way to natural or regression - the North Sea.

In 2011, British Prime Minister Osborne proposed raising taxes on the oil sector £ 2 billion program once shocked the industry , the UK North Sea oil fields to operators levy 62% -81 % marginal tax rate . But over the past two years, clean energy that leads to nowhere , the British government in order to avoid the re-emergence of the North Sea after 20 years of dry Ze and fishing situation, began to pay more to encourage small and medium sized oil companies adopt new technologies to promote the exploitation of oil fields .Proppant The British government has increased the "alternative oilfield " support efforts to make the past can not be commercialized projects eventually commercialized.

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