Thursday, January 16, 2014

Shale ceramic ball

Can be used as a gas source rocks and reservoir rocks and reservoir has a continuous distribution , low porosity and low permeability ultralight weight , high brittleness and other characteristics. Shale gas in three forms: free gas in rock pores , natural fractures in the free gas and adsorbed gas upbraid these different organic mineral surface oil well fracking mechanism directly affects the way shale gas development , speed and efficiency.
Global Energy Studies estimates that large shale gas resources are mainly distributed in North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific. 2012 study showed that the U.S. shale gas resources of approximately 415 000x10 ^ 520 000 qe 108 V, Canada, approximately 140 000x10 ^ 170 000x10 ^ ^ 3, China's major shale gas basins and large areas of recoverable resources of approximately 260 000 qe 108 V, while the resource situation in other parts of research is very limited.
Experience shows that U.S. shale gas development : increase the level of technology especially well fracturing technology [ 1 ] , for shale gas development is vital, other important technologies, including directional drilling horizontal wells and reservoir description .

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