Wednesday, January 28, 2015

For oil fracturing proppant mixer granulator

According to the resulting pellet size, density and wet conditions, mixing granulator can generally be divided into two categories. Like horizontal mixing tank and kneading machines of the first type, in this type of granulator, generally in a capillary state can create dense pellets, rolling pan granulation method similar products. Class mixer or blender to produce a strong internal component friction and shearing. Mixing granulation method is superior than the roll pan granulation method, because it has a kneading action that can create high hardness, high strength pellets, capable of handling viscous materials, to changing operating conditions have a greater ability to adapt. Mixed method were relatively dense pellets, liquid dosage required is less than its roll pan granulator. Disadvantages mixing granulator, usually a larger maintenance costs and power consumption, the irregular shape of the product, you may need further shaping, such as the application roller tray dryer so that the product is regular in shape.
The second class of mixed granulation method, the degree of wetting of the powder into the capillary state far, aggregate strength of the formation of relatively poor production of "instant" food wetting balance, drying and cooling process, that is such a granulation for example.
These two categories are mixed granulation equipment development, however, some types of mixers for granulation method are applicable. Distinction between granular and dense instant granulator granulator between large grains, some arbitrariness, are some examples:
1. Horizontal disc mixer
In the early ceramic sand granulation, horizontal disk-shaped mixer mixed with granulation Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants into one, the typical horizontal disc granulator, diameter up to 7.5ft (2.3m), deep 18in (0.5m) , material capacity of from 0.5 to 1t (0.5 to 0.9mg). Eccentrically mounted disc and the disc in the reverse tumbling mixing blades, to maintain a certain state of agitation, along with a plasticizer (e.g. water) is injected, they formed a dense pellet. For ceramic sand granulation, the mixing time is typically 2 or 3 minutes, automatic circulation system, its production rate is generally 12 to 15t / h (11 to 14rmg / h), but up to 30t / h (27mg / h) are also possible. In modern ceramic sand granulator industry, such a mixer (for example Eirich mixer rotating disc-shaped horizontal convection) is typically used for the swash plate granulator feed.
2. Blade mixer
Also known blender blade mixer, paddle mixer, and kneader. Usually consists of horizontal trough and mounted on the inside of the agitator shaft. In the stirring shaft equipped with a rod, needle-shaped, plate-shaped stirring blades and other forms. The stirring tank can be a uniaxial type, a biaxial type or may be, but generally the most common two-shaft. Two counter-rotating shafts, shaft intermeshing hydraulic fracturing proppant paddle into the front and center of the material. Thick frame and impeller blades from the edge of the member or the composition, structure and firm, hard edge portion. Can be attached to the exhaust hood, spray systems and the use of stainless steel components. In addition to feeding the mixer end portion estuary, the charging port may be provided at any position along the length of the mixer, can be applied to a total length of the mixer, the mixer operation more flexible.

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