Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What type of ceramic can be divided

Ceramic is ceramic particles. Exterior features ceramic Most were round or oval ball, but there are some fake gravel not round or oval ceramic spheres, and irregular shaped gravel. Ceramic shape due to different processes and different. Its surface is a layer of hard shell, this crust was a ceramic or enamel, with a gas impermeable security role, and gives high-strength ceramic. Ceramic color due to the appearance of different materials and processes used and different. Ceramic baking mostly dark red color, red ocher, there are some special varieties of pale yellow, gray and black, white, gray and so on.
Ceramic particle size is generally 5 to 20 mm maximum diameter of 25 mm. Ceramic generally used to replace concrete rubble and gravel.
Different original ceramic particles can be divided into the following categories:
(1) Lytag
Solid waste as the main raw material, adding a certain amount of binder and water, processed into a ball, swelling or burning sintering Nature Conservancy made 5 mm or more in diameter lightweight coarse aggregate, referred Lytag.
(2) clay ceramic
With clay, loam as the main raw material, processed granulated swelling from burning, particle size 5 mm or more in light of coarse aggregate, known as clay ceramic.
(3) Shale
Also known as expanded shale. With clay shale, slate by crushing, screening, grinding, or after a ball, burning swelling in 5 mm diameter made of light above the coarse aggregate for Shale. Shale method is divided according to the process: After crushing, screening, burning swelling from the ordinary type Shale; after grinding, into a ball, made of spherical bulge burning shale.
Ceramic clay, fly ash ceramic, shale with suitable insulation, thermal insulation with lightweight aggregate concrete, can also be used for lightweight aggregate concrete structures used. Currently Shale main purpose is the production of lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow block and lightweight partition board.
(4) garbage ceramic
As cities continue to grow, more and more city garbage, treatment of urban waste, become an increasingly prominent issue.
Ceramic is a city garbage after garbage disposal, granulated, calcined to produce sintered ceramic. Or will refuse granulated slag cement is added, The Nature Conservancy, to produce high density ceramic unburned trash. Garbage ceramic materials with sufficient, low cost, low power consumption, light weight high strength and other characteristics. In addition to the garbage can be made of ceramic ball wall panels, blocks, tiles and other new wall materials, but also can be used as insulation, floor, lightweight concrete, water purification and other purposes, and has broad market.
(5) gangue ceramic
Carbon content of coal gangue is discharged during the few black waste rock, is the largest emissions of solid waste, emissions and accumulation not only take up a lot of arable land, while the earth's surface, the atmosphere caused a great deal of pollution. The chemical composition of coal gangue and clay is quite similar, coal containing high carbon and sulfur, a larger loss on ignition. Only in a certain temperature range in order to produce a sufficient number of suitable viscosity of the molten material, having an expansion capability. According to its characteristics, China has developed a ceramic gangue.
Gangue resin coated ceramic  expansion is in line with the requirements of burning coal gangue by crushing, preheating, burning swelling, cooling, grading, packing and produced. Ceramic product quality in full compliance with national standards, some technical indicators exceed national standards, reached similar foreign products quality, the product is innovative, first, and is environmentally friendly products.
(6) the biological sludge ceramic
After the completion of sewage treatment plant sewage generated, and contains a lot of biological sludge, biological sludge and some made agricultural fertilizer, some directly for the green, and some discharge into the sea or burned, it will cause secondary ecological environmental pollution. Currently, biological sludge as the main raw material, the use of drying, grinding, into a ball, the sintered Resin coated ceramic proppant , ceramic called Sewage biosolids. Biological sludge to replace part of clay fired ceramic clay saving, protecting farmland, but also played a role in environmental protection

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