Monday, December 28, 2015

Maide Ceramics Proppants contributes to successful hydraulic fracturing operations in oil and gas wells around the globe

Maide Ceramics Proppants contributes to successful hydraulic fracturing operations in oil and gas wells around the globe.  They play an important role in the quest to both increase yields from existing sites and improve the industry's ability to effectively tap new formations.
Maide Ceramics Proppants understands the need for ceramic proppants and develops engineered shapes with inherent strength enabling them to maintain integrity under the most rigorous conditions.  Maide Ceramics Proppants has manufactured high-quality ceramic proppants for nearly three decades, committing to high-quality proppants that not only meet, but exceed engineering requirements and backing up this commitment with competitive pricing and superior service with a global supply base.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Hydraulic fracturing is a technique in which water is mixed with sand

Hydraulic fracturing is a technique in which water is mixed with sand or ceramic proppants and chemicals to make the “fracturing fluid” which is injected at high pressure into a wellbore to create fractures in a hydrocarbon formation. The fractures, supported by proppants, act as conduits along which fluids such as gas and oil can migrate to the wellbore and then up to the surface.
The two main purposes of fracturing fluid are 1) to extend fractures while under high pressure and 2) to carry proppant into the formation and leave it there without damaging the formation or production of the well.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Bauxite proppant is an aluminum ore from which most aluminum is extracted.

Ceramic proppants are engineered from either non-metallurgical bauxite or kaolin clay to have relatively high roundness, sphericity and size that can withstand very high levels of downhole pressure.
Bauxite proppant is an aluminum ore from which most aluminum is extracted. Kaolin is a mineral clay that also contains aluminum, but not at ore grade levels. Through a process called sintering both materials can achieve superior strength characteristics.
Before sintering, the ceramic material is crushed, pelletized and sieved into specifically sized particles. Sintering occurs in high-temperature kilns that bake the sorted particles to decrease their water content and thereby also change their molecular structure, rendering them more spherical and more uniformly dense.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

there are ultra lightweight proppant two kinds of classification methods

A wide variety of synthetic resin paint, there are ultra lightweight proppant two kinds of classification methods:
(1) according to the main film forming material classification
Due to the resin is different and each has its characteristics (table 1). Alkyd resin coating production of the largest, fastest growing acrylic resin coatings, amino resin coating, epoxy resin coating, polyurethane coating production is bigger also, this is constitute the five varieties of synthetic resin coating.
(2) the classification according to the oil well fracking with the dispersion medium
Can be divided into three categories of solvent, water type, no solvent (table 2). Solvent-based coating production of the largest, widely used, but because of the need to use a large number of organic solvents, environmental pollution, are being high solid coatings, water type coatings, powder coatings and radiation curing coating gradually replaced. Sometimes call this a few kinds paint coating of saving energy and low pollution, save resources, is the coating product of new variety.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shale gas reservoir fracturing proppant settlement

Shale gas reservoir fracturing proppant settlement regularity and the experimental research on shale gas development is a system, a vast amount of engineering, its high technical requirements and more money. Horizontal well development and technology of hydraulic fracturing is the core of the shale gas development. Than with conventional guanidine gum fracturing fluids, gliding water to form complex fracture network, greatly improve the effect of well stimulation. As a result, the shale gas reservoir fracturing slippery water often used as a fracturing fluid, large displacement, low viscosity construction method. Low viscosity, but due to slippery water carrying capacity is poor, proppant settlement regularity with different conventional petroleum proppant gum fracturing fluid. At present, China about shale gas reservoir, fracturing proppant settlement rule research focuses on the theoretical aspects, construction technology and main draw lessons from foreign practices, or software simulation based on the experience, lack of effective means of experiment; Especially for gliding water carrier proppant settlement, the migration regularity of research is still in its infancy, lack the necessary indoor experiment and system theory to guide the shale gas reservoir fracturing design and construction. To this end, the author designed a model device, and through the device simulation gliding water carrier in the fracture process, studies the construction capacity, seam width, proppant sand particle size and viscosity of fracturing fluid and than within the fracture parameters such as Hydraulic Fracturing Proppants settlement and the influence of the conveyance speed, so as to provide reference for establishing reasonable construction parameters.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The ends off the sand fracturing technology

With the exploitation of oil and gas fields crossover technology development and integrated use of a variety of process technology, the scope of application of fracturing proppants technology is no longer confined to low-permeability formations, high-permeability formations have begun to use this technology to improve development results. When oil well fracking  technology used in high-permeability formations, hoping to form a short, wide cracks and crack control as much as possible within the scope of the oil and gas layers. In order to meet the requirements of this particular foreign mid-80s in the 20th century developed the ends off the sand natural gas fracking  technology, and soon applied to the site, currently also carried out research in this area, and has made great progress .

Friday, December 4, 2015

Oil fracturing proppant application

Oil fracturing proppant application what?
Oil frac proppant for oil and natural gas wells in low permeability oil and gas fracturing the key material, the use of the product, can effectively improve oil and gas production and extend well life. Proppant type 1, from the category ductile brittle ceramic proppant,Toughness proppant 2, from the timber
Qualitative classification of quartz sand, aluminum balls, walnut shells, glass beads, plastic balls, steel balls, ceramic, resin-coated sand, etc., current usage is: quartz sand accounted for 50% market share, resin-coated sand about market share of 15% of the ceramic with high hardness, low cost and is widely used.

Monday, November 30, 2015

advantage of this low density proppant

One advantage of this low density proppant is that fewer pounds of this proppant are required, as compared to high density ceramic, to fill a given void in the formation. Since proppants are generally sold by the pound, the user buys fewer pounds of proppant for a particular application. Another advantage of this low density proppant is the ability to use a lower viscosity fracturing fluid during pumping operations, resulting in more economical pumping at lower pumping rates than those required with the use of heavier or denser proppants. Still another advantage is the relatively low silica content.
These advantages can be achieved by forming solid spherical pellets or particles from kaolin clay having an alumina content of between 40 and 60%. Normally, this material would have an apparent specific gravity of about 3.0 g/cc, as disclosed in Lunghofer. However, the density can be significantly reduced by carefully controlling the time and temperature of the firing process. In order to achieve an apparent specific gravity of from about 1.60 to about 2.10 g/cc and a bulk density of from about 0.95 to about 1.30 g/cc, the pellets are fired at a temperature of from about 1200 to about 1350° C.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Resin coated proppants can be further classified into precured

Resin coated proppant can be further classified into precured and curable resin coated proppants. Precured resin coated proppants comprise a substrate coated with a resin which has been significantly crosslinked. The resin coating of the precured proppants provides crush resistance to the substrate. Since the resin coating is already cured before it is introduced into the well, even under high pressure and temperature conditions, the proppant does not agglomerate. Such precured resin coated proppants are typically held in the well by the stress surrounding them. In some hydraulic fracturing circumstances, the precured proppants in the well would flow back from the fracture, especially during clean up or production in oil and gas wells. Some of the proppant can be transported out of the fractured zones and into the well bore by fracturing fluid produced from the well. This transportation is known as flow back.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

proppant are extremely useful to keep open fractures imposed

In general, proppant are extremely useful to keep open fractures imposed by hydraulic fracking of a subterranean formation, e.g., an oil or gas bearing strata. Typically, the fracturing is desired in the subterranean formation to, increase oil or gas production. As noted above, fracturing is caused by injecting a viscous fracturing fluid, foam, or other suitable fluid at high pressure into the well to form fractures. As the fracture is formed, a particulate material, referred to as a “propping agent” or “proppant” is placed in the formation to maintain the fracture in a propped condition when the injection pressure is released. As the fracture forms, the hsp proppant are carried into the well by suspending them in additional fluid or foam to fill the fracture with a slurry of proppant in the fluid or foam. Upon release of the pressure, the proppants form a “pack” which serves to hold open the fractures. The goal of using proppants is to increase production of oil and/or gas by providing a highly conductive channel in the formation. Choosing the correct proppant, therefore, is critical to the success of well stimulation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ceramic proppant oil exploration in the practical effect

  We all know that  Ceramic proppant (Oil fracturing proppant)is the primary role in the construction process, such as pressure and performed the role of diversion, but in the actual process of oil and gas exploration,  Ceramic proppant  the role and the performance of the case is kind of how it  Today we have on this issue under the case to be resolved.
      In the oil extraction process because the process of pre-drilling wells will cause severe vibration underground rock formations with the appearance of cracks occurred, and this for the future exploitation of the work lay hidden, leading to instability of the daily work of mining and reduction of security, cracks in different specifications for the well (according to the size of rock crack the case may be) of the   ceramic proppant   to fill, because of its structural features has a very strong resilience and can guarantee the stability of rock formations derails fracture cases; hand LPG etc. in the circulation process requires diversion to the smooth conduct of acquisition, while the primary role  Ceramic proppant  manifested, good permeability permeability ensures full exploitation of oil and gas, improve the oil and gas field production. In the actual mining process which we need to pay attention is to conduct geological analysis of the structure and then the filling of  Ceramic proppant ,   Ceramic proppant  size specifications the pressures are different, so be sure to pay attention to the actual application that .

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Proppant technology ignited new hope

The new technique involves super lightweight proppant and water weight polymers, super lightweight proppant settling rate is much slower than the sand and ceramics, which to some extent reduces the required volume of water, while some offset by higher unit costs.

Method is a very meaningful alternative to the solution to promote adhesion of microbubbles sediment, like ultra lightweight proppant as easily portable, which reduces the amount of traditional job requirements, but also improve the well productivity, the main is due to improved connectivity.

A different strategy is the channel Fiber can be used for coagulation proppant pillar structure and the formation of poly block channels to promote traffic and prevent the scattering of the pumping process.

For the North American onshore  Unconventional gas  services sector, the main driver of value creation may turn to technology to improve operational efficiency and production integration. In fact, the technology has the potential to improve the mechanical efficiency of the equipment through improved standardization and standardization of equipment.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Shale gas water fracturing technology and China's constraints

Horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing of shale gas development is the core technology, but also the countries hope to break through the technical "bottleneck." Currently, large-scale hydraulic fracturing proppant is the transformation of shale gas, the key to creating business capacity, but can not fully meet the actual needs of China. Compared with North America, China shale gas development more special geological conditions, scope buried deeper stratigraphic older.

China shale gas are located in Sichuan, Guizhou, Xinjiang, Songliao and other hilly, mountainous areas, water scarcity, transportation inconvenience, a large water fracturing can only meet the pre-trial development, when large-scale commercial exploitation of these problems will certainly as a constraint to the development of shale gas an important factor. Therefore, to explore shale gas development to adapt to China's technology system, the formation of independent property rights of the original innovation is the only way for China's shale gas development.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Global oil demand will fall

Traditionally, global oil demand will continue to grow. Demographic change and the demand from emerging markets will support the continued growth in global oil demand, which is the common view of the energy industry. But such a view is wrong, because now begun to replace petroleum gas (gas exploration commonly used hydraulic fracturing proppant  (fracking), namely, water power fracturing shales, thus releasing hidden in  unconventional gas ) , and introduced a number of key countries, aimed at improving the fuel efficiency of its provisions. Oil demand in the current decade highs reached equilibrium probability is much higher than the market may estimate.

Friday, November 6, 2015

"Shale gas revolution" affect the global

With the rapid increase in shale gas  production, the IEA predicts that by 2015 the United States will overtake Russia to become the world's largest natural gas producer.

U.S. Energy authorities have predicted that shale gas will replace coal as the second-largest U.S. after oil energy resources, and may change the U.S. energy production patterns.fracturing proppants Currently, shale gas production increased by low energy prices, has become the revitalization of manufacturing a great magic weapon. European Airbus and many large international companies to move into the U.S. of some manufacturing projects, is the value of local low energy prices.

In addition, thanks to the shale gas revolution "hydraulic fracturing" technology, shale oil (a petroleum) production also increased rapidly, so that U.S. oil production rebounded strongly,ceramic proppant resulting in 2011 for the first time since 1949, the United States became refined net exporter of petroleum products. The IEA believes that by 2020 the United States will become the world's largest crude oil producer. U.S. ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance even recently said that by the mid-1920s, the United States will not have to import oil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Shale gas development bottleneck highlights

Thanks to years of technological advances,  shale gas  development in the United States in full swing. However, environmental concerns, competition for water and other problems with people is always accompanied by the development of shale gas.

Shale gas exploration is the core technology of horizontal drilling and  Hydraulic fracturing  method (also known as fracking), the United States more than half of the natural gas obtained through fracking mining. The method is to use "fracturing fluid", ie chemicals mixed with plenty of water, sediment, with high-pressure underground injection wells, fracturing rock formations nearby, the expansion gap, so that gas can flow into the well to collect. However, these activities may have on the environment and human health have a negative impact, including the pollution of air, water and soil. Due to many unfavorable factors, the United States, New York and Delaware Basin has been halted in the area of hydraulic fracturing project. States and the federal government is also developing more stringent regulations, trying to lighten the development of shale gas produced by environmental impacts.fracturing proppant Therefore, the future ability of shale gas revolution as the first decade as "triumph" remains to be seen.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Oil fracturing proppant selection

Oil fracturing proppant selection mainly includes the type, size and concentration. Select oil fracturing proppant and the pressure of the rock formations, environmental Maide proppant conductivity and yield requirements are closely linked. Should first consider when selecting Coal seam gas proppant nature and fracture flow capacity under certain geological, engineering conditions, combined with specific geological conditions (such as closure pressure, rock hardness, temperature, target layer properties) selected to meet the engineering conditions (fracturing fluid nature of pumping equipment), and can get a good yield results proppant. Second, you must also consider the economic benefits due to proppant variety, quality and origin conditions differences, there are differences proppant costs must be considered cost-effective, combining economics to analyze the preferred fracturing proppant

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Shale gas is generated

Shale gas is mined out from shale gas , shale or body located in dark carbon shale , the  maide Shale gas revolution is adsorbed on the body in order to exist in the free state or mudstone, carbon mudstone , shale and pink sandwich on sandy rocks in natural gas, which can be generated in various stages of organic origin of natural gas subject to the free phase ( about 50% ) present in the cracks , porosity and other reservoir space to adsorption state ( about 50% ) present in kerogen , clay particles and pore surface , a very small amount is stored in a dissolved state kerogen , asphaltenes and petroleum . Natural gas is also present in siltstone , silty mudstone , muddy siltstone sandwich -like , or even sandstone formations . After the gas generated in the source rock gathered nearby , the performance of a typical
Shale gas
Situ accumulation mode and differential oil shale, oil sands, bitumen and other large . Different from conventional reservoirs and gas reservoirs , maide gas fracking  generated by both the source rock is gathered and stored gas reservoir and cap rock . Therefore , the high organic content of black shale , mudstone carbon is often the best conditions for the development of shale gas .
Shale gas development has extensive geological significance , present in almost all of the basin , just because burial depth , gas saturation and other big difference with different industrial value , respectively . Fractured shale gas Chinese traditional sense , shale oil and gas reservoirs , fractured shale reservoirs , fractured reservoirs , etc. This is quite roughly , but did not consider the mechanism of adsorption is not considered one of the primary attributes of natural gas and understanding of the body is gathered in the cracks in the shale oil and gas in free phase . Shale gas is not complete and therefore belongs sense. Therefore , China 's fractured shale reservoirs concept and connotation of shale gas in the United States today are not the same , namely, the material content of hydrocarbons , storage phase , there is a big difference between the source characteristics and chemical composition and other aspects .

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Performance Oil proppant requirements

Performance Oil proppant requirements: 1 , proppant sufficient compressive strength and wear resistance , can withstand strong pressure and friction when injected , and effectively support the artificial cracks. 2 , the relative density of the  natural gas fracking  particles must be low, to facilitate pumped downhole . 3 , proppant particles under conditions of a temperature of 200 degrees , and the fracturing fluid and the reservoir fluid is not a chemical effect , the solubility of the acid should be less than the maximum allowable value of 7% . Currently used mainly quartz sand oil well fracking,bauxite sand and resin-coated ceramic composite particles. Due to the low cost of quartz sand , while lower density easy to pump , has been widely used , but quartz sand strong low end , the ball is poor, reducing the fracture conductivity , does not apply to high pressure deep well closed . Composite resin coated quartz sand particles , sphericity improved corrosion resistance strong, conductivity is also good , but the products remain short- term , the cost is too high, the cost of the promotion of the supremacy of today is not easy , and the use of bauxite ceramic craft ceramic natural gas fracturing, high density, good sphericity , corrosion resistance , high temperature, high pressure, while costs can be better controlled , and therefore more widely used in oil and gas fields being . Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing oil wells can increase production by 30-50% , but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells , is the key material oil, gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration, construction , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Characteristics of ceramic proppant products

After fracturing oil and gas wells chinese proppant in its stimulation effect and production performance depends conductivity cracks. Fracture conductivity fracture conductivity is within the reservoir fluids, fracturing proppant and fracture permeability Aperture product support to represent. Therefore, physical properties and distribution of ceramic proppant in the fracture is an important factor china proppant affecting fracture conductivity. Of ceramic proppant performance requirements are as follows:
1, Ceramic proppants have sufficient compressive strength and resistance to abrasion, resistant to strong pressure and friction during injection, and effectively support the artificial cracks.
2, ceramic proppants particles relative density is lower, easy to pump into the underground.
  3, ceramic proppants particle sizes to meet the design requirements of different wells, typically 0.4-0.8mm, roundness and sphericity greater than 0.9, and particle uniformity, smooth surface, turbidity should be less than 1000, in order to obtain the best possible high conductivity.
  4, ceramic proppants particles at a temperature of 200 ℃ conditions, the fracturing fluid and reservoir fluid chemical reaction does not occur, the acid solubility of the maximum allowable value should be less than 7%.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Oil well fracking s widely used in oilfield.

Oil well fracking of new wells in the reservoir is low porosity, fluid flow out; or old older oil wells are blocked, the oil flow resistance is large, with high pressure and a certain liquid pressure to open the bottom of proppant into the fracture It is supported, thereby enhancing the formation conductivity, to achieve an end yield very effective technological measures. It is a production efficiency, enhanced oil recovery process for a very important and is widely used in oilfield.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ceramic proppants particles is a product

Ceramic proppants particles is a product with high fracture strength, mainly used in oil well supported, to increase production of oil and gas, an environmentally friendly product. Ceramic proppant is the use of high-quality sintered bauxite and other raw materials, is a substitute for natural quartz sand, glass beads, metal balls and other low-strength proppants to increase oil and gas has a positive effect. When oil and gas exploration in deep, high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. Ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation in rock fissures, cracks do not play a supporting closed due to stress lightweight proppant release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing wells can increase production from 30 to 50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mainly used in the fracturing process proppant

Hydraulic fracking has now become the primary means of oil and gas field exploration and development during a stimulation and enhanced oil recovery. But some well occur proppant anti-spit phenomenon in drainage or oil extraction process, seriously affecting the oil recovery efficiency. This proppant proposed new requirements, mainly used in the fracturing process proppant quartz sand, ceramic and resin-coated proppants based. Resin coated proppant combines the advantages of quartz sand and ceramic, to facilitate the construction, strong conductivity, not only for the fracturing support, and can prevent formation sand and proppant anti-spit.             

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Coal seam gas is high-quality energy and chemical raw materials.

Coal seam gas refers to the storage in coal seams with methane as the main component in the coal matrix to adsorb the particle surface the main part of divorced or dissolved in the pores of coal seam water and hydrocarbon gas, is associated mineral resources of coal, unconventional gas is nearly two decades on the rise in the international clean, high-quality energy and chemical raw materials. Commonly known as "gas", the calorific value of coal is 2-5 times more common, and one cubic meters of coalbed methane heat value equivalent to 1.13kg of pure gasoline, 1.21kg of coal, with a calorific value of natural gas equivalent, can be mixed with natural gas mixed transportation, and after burning very clean, hardly produce any emissions, is on a good industry, chemical industry, power generation and residential fuel.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Hydraulic fracturing is one of the important technology

Hydraulic fracturing technology is one of the important oil and energy industry, to see from a functional perspective, fracturing not only be defined as a technique in oil production, exploration and development of its oil and gas reservoirs in the performance of the status and the effect produced by oil exploration and development to become an indispensable supporting technology, develop ways and means to increase production. It can be divided into hydraulic sand fracturing and acid fracturing two categories. In the oil and gas field development, hydraulic fracturing can achieve low permeability reservoirs and efficient development and maintain stable output of conventional oil fields, contribute to the development of old oil fields and tapping the potential adjustment to achieve a special type of reservoir development and production.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Ultra lightweight proppant benefits

Ultra lightweight proppant has changed the ways and means of elastic fracturing job. Continue to study the unique characteristics and applications of lightweight proppants encourage people to turn to spread sand proppant volume, rather than sanding quality. Studies have shown that hydraulic fracturing proppant used ultralight
The benefits are obvious. Particle strength lightweight proppant material suitable for use as proppant, but much lower than conventional proppant products apparent specific gravity
Lightweight proppant more obvious advantages include: significant reduction in proppant settling, have increased the potential value of the effective propped fracture length; desired viscosity fracturing fluid is not high, can reduce the pump power.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Resin coated ceramic proppant better than traditional proppant

From the mid-1970s, various countries started to develop, the use of resin coated ceramic proppant. As such the proppant to overcome the inherent shortcomings of traditional sand and ceramic proppant , not only to prevent the proppant is crushed and spit phenomenon. Also it reduces the proppant embedment formations ills. In addition, the use of such proppant can prevent fines migration, and therefore at higher fracture closure stress also enables to maintain good long-term permeability. Many fields have been widely used in lieu of such proppant sand and ceramic. Examples illustrate it in hydraulic fracking effect day job better than conventional proppant, oil yield significant role through laboratory evaluation and field. Economic analysis shows that it is before a most economical and reasonable great development of the new force hydraulic fracturing proppant.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Shale gas revolution

As society growing demand for clean energy, natural gas prices are rising, people's awareness of the rapid increase in shale gas. In particular, the level of horizontal drilling and fracturing technology continues to progress, the human exploration and development of shale gas boom is being formed.Shale gas revolution has shaken the world LNG market structure, and this effect will become more significant, thereby changing the pattern of world energy. Development of shale gas, especially shale gas production increased dramatically, making this the majority of people still very strange energy has become a hot topic. Quietly coming of "shale gas revolution" began to have a significant impact on the global natural gas supply and demand changes and price movements, and cause gas production and consumption country concerned. Exploitation of shale gas, a low-carbon economy driven strategic growth opportunities, as a catalyst for world oil and gas geopolitical situation has undergone structural adjustment

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ceramic proppant more and more widely used in oil and gas fields.

Proppants currently used mainly in quartz sand, bauxite ceramic sand and resin-coated composite particles. Due to the low cost quartz sand, while low density easy pumping, is widely used, but quartz sand strong low end, the ball is poor, reducing fracture conductivity, does not apply to closed high pressure deep well. Composite resin coated frac sand particles, the sphericity improved corrosion resistance strong, conductivity is also good, but the products remain short-term, the cost is too high, the cost-oriented promotion is not easy today, while the use of bauxite ceramic proppant ceramic technology, high density, good sphericity, corrosion resistance, high temperature, high pressure, while the costs can be better controlled, and therefore more and more widely used in oil and gas fields. Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing of oil wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells, a key material in the oil and gas wells in low permeability oil and gas extraction, construction, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hydraulic fracking technology widely used in shale gas development drilling

Hydraulic fracking technology is one of the core technology of shale gas development, widely used in shale gas development drilling.Well drilling in shale gas well production, long production time, shale gas development is the most reasonable way, horizontal well location should try to choose natural fracture system development, organic enrichment, low Poisson's ratio and Young's modulus high places.
There are low-pressure horizontal drilling underbalanced drilling, and rotary steerable drilling control pressure drilling technology, low pressure air underbalanced drilling technology is more mature, controlled pressure drilling technology can be a good problem to overcome borehole collapse, rotary steerable drilling technology is shale gas horizontal drilling technology development. Horizontal drilling combined with reasonable measures to increase production is a necessary means of shale gas production increase.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fracturing proppant relative density is lower

Fracturing proppant into the formation along with high-pressure solution filled in the cracks in the rock, play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production.
Petroleum proppant performance requirements:
 1,proppant have sufficient compressive strength and wear resistance, can withstand strong pressure and friction during injection and effectively support the artificial cracks.
 2, proppant particles relative density is lower, easy pumped underground.
 3, proppant particles under conditions of a temperature of 200 degrees, with the fracturing fluid and the reservoir fluid is not a chemical effect, the acid solubility of the maximum permissible value should be less than 7%.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Most of proppant materials prepared by LAS, additives can reduce fracturing proppants the sintering temperature fracturing proppant. Studies have shown that: Additive at lower temperatures can promote liquid phase is generated, or a reaction with Al2O3 solid solution, to improve the sintering activity. The most commonly used additives are mainly manganese powder, barium carbonate, calcium carbonate, dolomite, chromite and so on. In the high-temperature sintering manganese ore and manganese ions are easy to replace aluminum ion, the lattice variation, thus promoting sintering, its amount is generally 1% to 3% is appropriate; barium and calcium carbonate in high temperature sintering process will monoclinic barium feldspar and anorthite Dan Shengcheng, both to protect the other components of the product from acid erosion, which amount to 3% to 5% and 1% to 2% is appropriate; dolomite at high temperatures can promote liquid generate, promote sintering, while also promoting corundum precipitated on the surface of secondary mullite crystals, improve the sintering properties of the sample, is generally added in an amount to 2% to 3.5% is appropriate; chromite sintering temperature can be reduced, promoting fracturing proppant mullite phase formation, the amount of chromite corundum grains will promote development, increase density, improve strength, it is generally added in an amount of 1% is appropriate.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Oil and gas wells in conductivity after fracture stimulation effect and its production performance depends on crack, crack conductivity is the ability to crack the conductive fluid within the reservoir to ceramic proppant supplier fracturing proppant permeability and fracture width of fracture support product to represent. Thus, the type and distribution of the physical properties of the proppant in the fracture is an important factor affecting the ability of fracture conductivity.
Performance requirements of oil fracturing proppant follows:
1, proppant have sufficient compressive strength and wear resistance, can withstand strong pressure and friction during injection and effectively support the artificial cracks.
2, proppant particles relative density is lower, easy pumped underground.
3, proppant particles under conditions of a temperature of 200 degrees, with the fracturing fluid and the reservoir fluid is not a chemical effect, the acid solubility of the maximum permissible value should be less than 7%.
Furthermore, we hope adequate supply, low prices.
Oil well fracturing construction costs need to spend hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of million, the proportion of the cost of proppant in which accounts are not large, however, the effects of quality proppant fracturing plays a crucial post the role of a direct impact on the net income of oil production.
Proppants currently used quartz sand, ceramic and a variety of resin-coated composite particles. Wherein the quartz sand cheapest price, relatively low density, to facilitate the construction of pumping, so it is widely used, but low-intensity quartz sand, the ball is poor, thereby reducing the conductivity of cracks, particularly closure does not apply to high pressure The deep, with a composite resin coated quartz sand particles, the sphericity improved corrosion resistance can achieve higher targets, even if the internal quartz sand is crushed, outside coated resin layer can wrap pieces, keeping the crack diversion capacity, is a development direction proppant, but the current product shelf life is relatively short, the cost is also high, with a variety of different materials and manufacturing process of ceramic, slightly higher than the relative density of quartz sand, conditions and performance of pumping fracturing fluids are more demanding, more difficult when fracturing, fracture stimulation
but the ball and roundness Ceramisite than quartz sand, and can reach 0.9 or more, particularly resistant resistance, temperature resistance and compressive strength are higher than quartz sand, thus decreasing conductivity fracture is much lower now increasingly widely used oil and gas fields.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Petroleum proppant known as proppant in hydraulic fracturing in fracturing effect greatly affect the success or failure

Petroleum proppant known as proppant in fracturing proppants hydraulic fracturing in fracturing effect greatly affect the success or failure, depending on the length of validity of the quality of the proppant. After its role in the oil and gas when deep mining, high closure pressure after fracturing low permeability deposit processing, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out of the fluid injected into the rock grassroots needs at this time, in order to formation fracture pressure exceeds the strength to make cracks in the rock around the wellbore to form a channel having a high level flow capacity, cracks formed to maintain Open after fracturing oil and gas product can be smoothly passed.
Fracturing proppant can be broadly divided into natural and artificial two categories. The former representative of quartz sand, which is commonly referred to as ceramic proppant. The price of the widely used five different standard proppant in the oil and gas yield market, which is a natural quartz sand, artificial moderate density silicate proppant (ceramic sand), moderate-intensity artificial high density alumina and silicate proppant, bauxite high strength and high strength proppant zirconium lightweight proppant silicate, and applying pre-cured coatings and coating resins curable natural or artificial sand proppant. They each play a different role in the oil and gas production.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ceramic fracturing support agent can be horizontal drilling used in fracturing in deep, high-pressure oil and gas layers. After the primary raw material with outstanding clay finely crushed to a fine powder, with various additives, repeated kneading, granulation, polishing, high temperature sintering, this product has a high strength, low density, good sphericity, finish high, strong conductivity other advantages.
Champoux consulting industry analysts pointed out that ceramic fracturing support agent is a commodity ceramic particles with high fracture strength, mainly used for downhole support to add oil and gas output, fracturing fluid this product is environmentally superior merchandise use bauxite and other raw materials. High temperature sintering. Natural quartz sand, glass balls, metal balls and other low-intensity support alternatives to increase oil and gas have an outstanding role.

Friday, August 14, 2015

While the large number of applications fracking is proppant indeed in recent years, but as early as 1947, the United States, Kansas on hydraulic fracturing tests carried out, the technology patented in 1949. In addition, environmentalists need to worry about chemical substances contained in the fracturing fluid, in fact, from an environmental point of view, consume a lot of fresh water should be the most talked about oil fracturing proppant issue of hydraulic fracturing. It is worth mentioning that the hydraulic fracturing method also increase the general yield of water and other purposes.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Steady squeeze fracturing fluid plugging: When the oil fracturing proppant pump pressure surge, decreased emissions, identified as sand plug, they should immediately stop sand, smooth extrusion process with a large displacement fracturing fluid were plugging, to be normal again continue adding sand;
Backwash plugging: plugging sand appears, immediately stop sand backwash, after all the grit out of the column inside, try sand, continue fracturing;
Water hammer plugging: plugging water hammer is a small part of fracturing car in a safe pressure range, positive pressure - from the tubing, then shoved to put pressure, to form a water hammer phenomenon, generating shock and vibration. After a positive impact and anti-vibration reciprocating action, shock or vibration to live segment lifted grit sand plug.
Events column oil well fracking backwash plugging: This method is the active column and backwash well combined to lift the sand plug. Sand plug in more serious cases, the rapid activity fracturing string, the grit oil jacket annular space is released. Then, and then backwashing or water hammer Solving tubing grit.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Oil shale mining process, hydraulic fracturing is a oil fracturing proppant technique commonly used. It is mainly the use of ground high-pressure pump, a large number of chemical substances doped water, sand, etc. made fracturing fluid, poured into the depths of the rock fracturing so dense rock cracks expand, and ultimately release of oil or natural gas. The US Geological Survey estimates that by 2018 23 percent of US oil and 57 percent of gas production using hydraulic fracturing method. More than that, in addition, hydraulic fracturing can be used to increase the general yield of water and increasing the capacity of geothermal power and so on.
Fracturing fluids used in hydraulic fracturing method of 99% water and sand composition, in which the main role fracturing proppant sand proppant. Statistics show that fracturing oil and gas wells bite requires about 1,500 tons of sand, but if you use more sand in the fracturing process, oil and gas production the mine will be further improved. It also makes a number of oil and gas companies try to use more sand in the mining process.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Most proppant material obtained by LAS, additives petroleum proppant can reduce the sintering temperature fracturing proppant. Studies have shown that: the additive at a lower temperature may promote generation liquid, or a solid solution reacts with Al2O3, improved sintering activity. The most commonly used additives are mainly manganese powder, barium carbonate, calcium carbonate, dolomite, chromite and so on. In the high-temperature sintering manganese ore and manganese ions are easy to replace aluminum ion, the lattice variation, thus promoting sintering, its amount is generally 1% to 3% is appropriate; barium carbonate and calcium carbonate at high temperature sintering process will monoclinic barium feldspar and anorthite Dan Shengcheng, both to protect the other components of the product from acid erosion, which amount to 3% to 5% and 1% to 2% is appropriate; dolomite at high temperatures can promote liquid generate, promote sintering, but also to promote the precipitation of corundum surface secondary mullite crystals, high crush proppants improve the sintering properties of the sample, is generally added in an amount to 2% to 3.5% is appropriate; chromite sintering temperature can be reduced, promoting mullite phase formation, the amount of chromite corundum grains will promote development, increase density, improve strength, its amount is generally 1% is appropriate.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Proppant trends

Ceramic proppant fracturing proppant can be used in deep, high-pressure oil and gas layers. High-quality clay as the main raw material finely ground into fine powder after crushing, with various additives, repeatedly kneading, granulation, polishing, high temperature sintering, the product has high strength, low density, sphericity, finish high conductivity and strong advantages.
Industry analysts pointed out that ceramic proppant is a ceramic granular product with high fracture strength, mainly used for oil well supported, to increase production of oil and gas,fracturing proppant  an environmentally friendly product This product use high-quality bauxite and other raw materials. High temperature sintering. Natural quartz sand, glass beads, metal balls and other low intensity support alternatives to increase oil and gas has a positive effect.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The primary composite proppant particles

Proppants currently used mainly Proppant quartz sand, bauxite and ceramic sand and resin-coated composite particles. Due to the low cost quartz sand, while low density easy pumping, is widely used, but quartz sand strong low end, the ball is poor, reducing fracture conductivity, does not apply to closed high pressure deep well. Resin composite particles coated quartz sand, sphericity improved corrosion resistance strong, conductivity is also good, but the products remain short-term, the cost is too high, the cost-oriented promotion today is not easy, and the use of bauxite ceramic proppant ceramic technology, high density, good sphericity, corrosion, high temperature, high pressure, while the costs can be better controlled, and therefore more and more widely used in oil and gas fields. Practice has proved that ceramic proppant the use of ceramic proppant fracturing of oil wells can increase production by 30-50%, but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells, a key material in the oil and gas wells in low permeability oil and gas extraction, construction, not only to increase oil and gas production, and can extend the service life of oil and gas wells.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Proppant development well

With the rise of shale gas exploration Low density proppant and development in China, China's ceramic proppant will usher in greater market development. The past two years, price rises ceramic proppant large increase in production costs in emerging economies will push up the price of proppant. Since the production of bauxite is an important raw material of ceramic, although China has the advantage of cheap local bauxite, but with the advance of China's rare earth ore strategy, future prices will keep rising, so there is a certain ceramic proppant price increases.
Meanwhile, China's ceramic proppant manufactured with good support capabilities, gradually replace the conventional proppant sand, into the US market. Data show that China-made ceramic proppant has occupied 13% of the total ceramic proppant market share in North America, the average annual business volume of $ 3 billion. Currently, the US shale oil and gas well drilling is entering the heating up, the demand for ceramic proppant great, price increases also have some tolerance. As long as oil and gas to maintain a certain price,Proppant China's production of ceramic proppant in the United States and other countries would be marketable.
At present, the research and development of Chinese ceramic proppant fracturing of oil well, showing good momentum of development. The future, the industry can continue to support high-strength oil fracturing support agent special ceramic materials and products technical development, focusing on the development of oil fracturing support agent products.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Proppant huge market space

After oil and gas exploration China proppant wells over time, high closure pressure after fracturing low permeability deposit processing, the hydrocarbon formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. Ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation of cracks in the rock, the crack does not play a supporting closed due to stress release effect, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production.
Widely used in ceramic proppant oil and gas operations, the increase in oil and gas production, because the quality of different ceramic, its role is not the same. Shale, flowers and other ceramic proppants ultra-light ceramic mainly used for decoration, concrete and other industries; dense, low breakage rate ceramic mainly used in petroleum industry, as proppants used. Ceramic proppant technology has made great progress in recent years.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

ceramic proppant

Support for oil products in the ceramic proppant country is currently in its infancy, most manufacturers can only produce medium and low intensity of products, most of granulation equipment with dozens of aircraft icing, more employment, dust, high production costs, plus labor unstable operation quality, low production efficiency, to meet the needs of international and domestic markets. The original instrument of labor and the corresponding monitoring and control system there is a big flaw in the technology, production caused great waste. Chuzhou, China Metallurgical and Mechanical Technology Limited in QPY type form the basis of the ball machine, and the rule of powder into a ball joint R & D center constantly sum up innovation, optimize the process route, completely solve the granulation automatic integration into a ball (feed water tracking Automatic granulation technology) the technical ceramic proppant manufacturers problems, significantly reducing the granulation workers, saving production costs, reduce labor intensity and reduce dust pollution and improve production efficiency. Related ceramic sand production line equipment is being declared national patent. QPY-Ⅱ-type oil proppant (ceramic sand) dedicated to the ball granulation equipment. Completely changed the oil proppant (ceramic sand) industry with more than sugar-coated pan granulation and dusty history.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Ceramic proppant sphericity, high strength, corrosion resistance, strength

Fracking process Hydraulic fracturing technology is an effective technology fields to increase production. The process is to use high-pressure pump on the ground, the high viscosity of the fracturing fluid to significantly exceed the absorptive capacity of the formation of the displacement is injected into the well at the bottom Biechu high pressure; frac proppant when the pressure is greater than the near wellbore formation rock formation stress and tensile strength, at the bottom near the ground will crack; Fracturing proppants continue to inject liquid with sand proppant, fracture proppant filling extending forward and, after shut-filled fracture closure on the proppant, the last in the vicinity of the bottom cracks with a geometry and conductivity of a formation to facilitate a faster inflow of crude oil around the bottom of the well, to achieve the purpose of increasing production. As hydraulic fracturing proppant filling an important medium, which directly affects the capacity of the entire yield wells. Therefore, the study of high performance oil proppant for oil yield is very necessary. Oil fracturing proppant * Major points of natural quartz sand,

artificial ceramic proppant, resin-coated proppant (ie coated proppant) three categories, including coated proppant is divided into two coated sand and ceramic coating species. Natural quartz sand is not good for its sphericity, low intensity, but the lowest cost, it is generally in the large-scale use in shallow; artificial ceramic proppant due to its sphericity, high strength, corrosion resistance, good conductivity etc., as it has been widely used in the deep fracturing. Since the resin-coated sand after coating strength, density becomes small, can replace ceramic proppant oil in a medium-depth, but few studies coated ceramic proppant, the higher the cost, and could not be used Actual production

Friday, June 19, 2015

Artificial proppant and ceramic proppant compared

a)ceramic proppant supplier high artificial proppant relative particle density, such as: quartz sand is 2.60 g / cm3 ~ 2.70 g / cm3, but ceramic sand is of 2.80 g / cm3 ~ 3.60 g / cm3. Therefore, the performance of fracturing fluid (such as viscosity, rheology, etc.) and pumping conditions (such as displacement, power equipment, etc.) have put forward higher requirements. Ceramic proppant manufacturers

 b)Ceramic proppants the relative density of the particles depends on the material and the compressive strength of aluminum oxide content. With the increase of the content of aluminum oxide, ceramic of high density, compressive strength increases, so the two should get a balance. On the other hand, under the same conditions as the aluminum content of materials, processing technology (powder fineness, semi-intensity, sintering temperature) is the key to controlling the ceramic quality. Therefore, ceramic materials selection and manufacturing processes than other proppants demanding, much more complex.
 C) artificial ceramic proppant relative wear, high price.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Development proppant production

Fracture stimulation of oil and gas wells in low permeability oil and gas extraction yield important new technology. Proppant is the fracturing of key materials.

In recent years, as domestic oil fracturing proppant manufacturing Development, proppant fracturing of oil export volume gradually from scratch, from less to more. However, overall, the export volume is still less than imports. And products are mainly concentrated on low value-added low-end products, imports are high value-added high-end products, such as the excellent performance of high strength proppant fracturing of oil products. Development of oil fracturing proppant industry is not fast, the market size of the average annual growth rate of about 15 percent, the average annual growth rate of the enterprise total capacity of around 12%. Large number of enterprises, but most are small businesses, low yield, low-tech, competition means also focused on product prices above, and do not occupy a larger share of the market, especially large-scale enterprise production. Domestic oil demand continues to increase dependence on foreign oil continues to increase. In order to meet the increasing domestic demand for oil, the oil industry has developed rapidly. Correspondingly related products is rapidly expanding. China's oil fracturing proppant industry at this time, the relatively rapid development, the market scale growth rate reached 20%. In 2009, China oil fracturing proppant industry investment amount 470 million yuan in 2011 increased to 620 million yuan, an average annual growth rate of 13% the above.

Friday, May 29, 2015

What ceramic sand is ?

ceramic ball , is used to replace concrete gravel and pebbles , is the use of a variety of materials of various types of clay, slate , shale , coal , and industrial solid waste , etc., through the ceramic sintering.
Ceramic sand has a low density , excellent thermal insulation , impermeability, excellent alkali aggregate reactivity, low water absorption, frost resistance and good durability , and many other advantages. hydraulic fracturing proppant, by definition, ceramic particles , called fine sand , also known as oil fracturing proppant .
Most circular or oval sphere, but some ceramic imitation gravel is not circular or oval sphere, and irregular shaped gravel . The appearance of color due to different ceramic materials and process used and different. Firing ceramic colors are mostly dark red , red ocher , there are some special varieties of pale yellow , gray and black ceramic proppant sand , gray , blue gray and so on. Ceramic sand proppant products

Monday, May 25, 2015

European shale gas storage

European shale gas reserves up to 15 trillion oil well fracking silica sand meters, showing its development has many advantages. Horsfield said the Swedish alum schist, northern Germany, the Netherlands and the south of England schist, shale are similar to the United States. European shale black or dark brown, which means rock in the formation process, the soil is rich in bio has grown organic substances, and most of these organic substances into the present shale gas. If shale storage can confirm, then shale gas will change the fate of European countries rely on Russian gas. Currently, a quarter of the EU Member States natural gas supply from Russia. ? Washington advanced energy industry consultancy Resources International (ARI) Main Coos Cora (Vello Kuuskraa) said: "The shale is the world's most abundant rock despite the lack of conventional gas resources in many parts of the world, but these places did. has abundant shale resources.