Monday, April 28, 2014

What role in the exploitation of oil ceramic sand when is

Ceramic sand is very important oil fracturing agent, play a very important role in the oil extraction process. When oil and gas exploration in deep , high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the rock cracked petroleum , oil and gas from the cracks in the channel formed by the pooled out.
maide ceramic proppants sand used in fracturing in deep , it will be filled ceramic sand deposits in low permeability fractured rock in high closed fracturing treatment to split hydrocarbon formations , play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release , thereby maintaining high conductivity of oil and gas , ceramic sand will not only be able to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .
In general, the pressure along with ceramic sand was filled into the formation fracture in the formation , the crack does not play a supporting ceramic sand released and closed due to stress , thereby maintaining a high conductivity , so that gas flow, increase production.
Of course, the ceramic sand can also be played in many ways a very important role , the role of oil exploitation in the area is very large , but also we can not be ignored .

Ceramic proppant " sneak " the U.S. market

In recent years, the success of the U.S. shale oil and gas development , not only triggered a boom in exploration and development of shale gas resources worldwide , and many small manufacturing companies in China to create a great business opportunity.
Over the past three years , China 's maide ceramic proppant manufactured good support for its ability to gradually replace conventional proppant sand, into the U.S. market . So far, the Chinese -made ceramic proppant ceramic proppant has occupied the entire North American market share of 13% , the average annual business volume of $ 3 billion .
Shale oil and gas development is inseparable from the application of hydraulic fracturing , and hydraulic fracturing technology is the most important material is proppant . The purpose of the proppant in the oil pressure to open the high-pressure water layer prop open the crack pressure , so that the gas flows out .
In the past, U.S. companies used to make sand proppant . However, due to the sand into the deep well pump after easily crushed under high pressure formations , so more and more companies do tend to use resin coated ceramic proppant . But for those companies ( sand only 40 cents / lb ) are not willing to pay $ 4 / pound ceramic is concerned, more economical option is to use the child 's performance is better than conventional silica sand resin coating sand . As the number of drilling in North Dakota 's growing demand for sand is also increasing day by day , even from the state of Wisconsin and Minnesota looking for sand sources.
Since 2009 , North American demand for proppant almost tripled , as more and more companies are using multi- stage hydraulic fracturing , proppant demand grew by 10% to 15 %. Ceramic proppant with drilling companies need quality : size uniformity , chemical stability , high temperature high pressure , combined with good compatibility with sand , flowback easy to like. The main thing is not to deform under high pressure deep well , extend the productive life of oil and gas wells .
On the North Dakota prairie , the development of the Bakken Shale oil is very hot, the night from a satellite photo taken on the United States as evidenced by the recent North Dakota Bakken core group had deserted zone , night lights, no less bustling city . The state in October 2011 reached 48.8 million barrels of oil per day , sometimes a well requires 1,500 tons of sand and other proppants , of which ceramic proppant proportion reached 30%. Well here is often a depth of 10,000 to 12,000 feet , it is proppant best useless.
Over the past two years, the price increase is a large ceramic proppant , the U.S. domestic manufacturers have begun struggling to regain market . But with the rise of the Chinese domestic shale gas exploration and development , China 's ceramic proppant seem to have to worry about sales. In addition, the U.S. shale oil and gas development in the ascendant , from Ohio to Texas , shale oil and gas well drilling are heating up , the demand for ceramic proppant great , price increases have a certain tolerance.
Ceramic proppant production inputs is small, but highly profitable , Chinese proppant manufacturer's advantage lies in cheap local bauxite , bauxite is an important raw material for the production of ceramic .
Chinese proppant manufacturers sell their products directly to the Chinese oil service companies, such as Halliburton , Baker Hughes , Schlumberger , or through import and export companies , packaging will be shipped to the U.S. West Coast port their number , such as Long Beach , California or Seattle , Washington , and then transported by train in North Dakota and other places. According to North Dakota 's largest rail operator BSNF forecasts, ceramic proppant volume could double in 2012 .
A few months ago , North Dakota imported from China ceramic proppant ceramic production over the United States 20% cheaper . This difference has recently begun to shrink , with some of the middlemen involved in the future will further narrow the gap .
Since China began to develop its own shale oil and gas resources , the price advantage will be further weakened proppant . Recently, the China Petroleum and Shell to develop shale gas in Sichuan project progress , which means that China began commercial development of shale gas . Furthermore, the increase in production costs in emerging economies will also push up the price of proppant . Over the past two years , the price of Chinese ceramic proppant higher level rose by 60 % to $ 800 / ton. China will also exacerbate the current inflation proppant prices.
Nevertheless, the huge demand for North American ceramic proppant will provide enough space for all maneuvers . Chinese proppant company listed on the New York Stock Exchange , as long as oil and gas to maintain a certain price, they produce ceramic proppant on marketable .
Undoubtedly, prosperity proppant industry is another signal of U.S. shale gas development to the global spread of heat .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Replace concrete gravel and pebbles ceramic sand

To replace the concrete rubble and gravel, is the use of a variety of materials of various types of clay, slate, shale, coal gangue, and industrial solid waste, through ceramics sintered ceramic sand.
Ceramic sand has a low density, excellent thermal insulation, impermeability, excellent alkali aggregate reactivity, low water absorption, frost resistance and good durability, and many other advantages.  maide ceramic proppant , by definition, ceramic particles , fine sand called, also known as oil fracturing proppant.
Ceramic sand Exterior features: Most were round or oval ball, but there are not some imitation gravel round or oval maide resin coated silica sand spheres, and irregular-shaped ceramic gravel color due to the appearance of the raw materials used. and different processes and different. firing ceramic colors are mostly dark red, red ocher, there are some special varieties of pale yellow, gray ceramic sand proppant black, white, gray and so on. ceramic proppant sand oil finished .

Oil fracturing proppant ceramic ceramic needs what

Fracturing technology is now widely used in oil exploration , the core technology is the formation fracturing diversion cracks and layer conductivity is much less than the diversion cracks. Now particulate 
ceramic proppant is often added to the fracturing fluid , the aim is to make the fracture after the fracturing is still in an open state , resulting in a continuous oil product which is to obtain a high permeability fracture one of the important measures . In the application of deep well fracturing proppant performance requirements are very high , deep and strong chemical corrosive effect of salt solution and high thermal closure pressure , so you need to have a certain amount of proppant corrosion resistance and compressive strength . Proppant performance requirements of the main 

( A ) a low density , to effectively improve the production efficiency ;
( 2 ) In a large injection pressure and friction when still produce artificial cracks. This requires support good resiliency and abrasion resistance , so that will not crack closure pressure is high and closed ;
( 3 ) to try to smooth and uniform particles , because smoothness and uniformity of the particles will affect conductivity .
( 4) The sphericity and roundness of particles that are greater than 0.9 , and a particle size in the range of between 0.4mm-0.8mm , the reason why this range is taken as the particle size to be well designed to meet the different requirements ;
5 ) To inexpensive to improve cost proppant ;
( 6 ) good acid resistance , acid solubility to less than 7% , as a proppant in the pressure and temperature of the fracturing fluid and the reservoir fluid and chemical reaction, if the lower the acid resistance , chemical stability of the proppant the worse , and they react more easily .

Friday, April 18, 2014

Performance oil fracturing proppant

Ceramic proppant is a ceramic particle product with high fracture strength , mainly for oil underground support to increase production of oil and gas , are environmentally friendly products. This product is the use of high-quality bauxite , coal and other raw materials, ceramic sintering , is a substitute for natural quartz sand , glass beads , metal balls and other low- strength  maide resin coated ceramic proppant,to increase production of oil and gas has a positive effect . When oil and gas exploration in deep , high pressure low permeability deposit closure after fracturing treatment, the rock cracked petroleum , oil and gas from the cracks in the channel formed by the pooled out. Along with a high-pressure high-alumina support material was filled into the formation in rock fissures , cracks do not play a supporting but closed due to stress release , thereby maintaining high conductivity , so that the oil and gas flow, increase production. Practice has proved that the use of high-alumina maide ceramic proppants fracturing wells can increase production by 30-50% , but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells , oil and natural gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration : the key materials of construction. Products used in deep fracturing when it is filled to the low permeability fractured rock deposits in high closed fracturing treatment to split hydrocarbon formations , play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release , thereby maintaining oil and gas high flow capacity , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .

Fracturing sand tank truck drivers beware stuffed in a car accident driving interference

Driving interference potential hazards : No turning the turn ; parking the car in front suddenly turn left and you did not have time to react , pulled out of the driveway ...... attention due to the maide hydraulic fracture stimulation of normal car driver Shaguan disturbance arising from lack of concentration , is becoming important reason for the accident .
The so-called driving interference is caused by anything fracturing Shaguan car driver's eyes, hands or attention away from the driving task , such as watching outside the square , tune radio channels , pay attention to the car 's children , phone calls, talking with passengers , eating things , look at the map , etc. All these activities will result in  maide fracturing sand tank truck driver distracted and dangerous accident .
Fracturing sand tank car manufacturers Security reminder: To achieve safe driving , be sure to observe the three security elements .
One eye focused way. Think well before departure or planned route ; If you have a cell phone , try to use voice or abbreviated dialing ; do not take notes while driving , do not look up phone numbers .
Second, keep your hands off the steering wheel . Before departure familiar fracturing Shaguan car equipment functions ; pre- tuned radio and air conditioning ; may be fixed traffic moving objects ; while driving if items dropped on the floor , do not pick up, such as when a parked car and then picking it not later ; teach children to develop good riding habits, pick up the child , smoothly pulled out of traffic to pull over ; avoid smoking , eating , drinking while driving ; do not answer the phone while driving , using a mobile phone message function , and so drove safety zone and park before playing back.
Third, concentrate on driving . If you find that lack of energy , a little rest and then hit the road when driving ; let passengers in the car to help " find a way ." Do yourself while driving view maps and navigation systems ; Do not use the phone while driving with passengers or unpleasant conversation , when using the phone's handsfree function , it tends to distract yourself .

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Ceramic proppant Product Description

Maide Resin coated ceramic proppant for oil , natural gas penetration into the exploitation of oil and gas fracturing of key materials . Products used in fracturing in deep gap , high closed fracturing treatment to split hydrocarbon formations , play a supporting fissure is closed not because of stress release , thereby maintaining high conductivity of oil and gas , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more can extend the service life of oil and gas wells . Production of major products 52Mpa, 69Mpa, 86Mpa low, medium and high strength Maide ceramic proppants , is a high-tech product . Use of unique quality coagulation bauxite raw materials, through the unique crushing, screening, and then stir into the prepared particles of rare earth sintered at high temperature , high temperature, high pressure, high conductivity , and corrosion resistance and other characteristics, is mined oil, natural gas fracturing indispensable good helper .
    Fracture stimulation of oil and natural gas wells in low permeability oil and gas extraction yield important new technologies. Proppant (proppant) is the fracturing of key materials . Proppant and supported by the fracturing fluid into the formation of cracks in the fracture , thereby effectively imported oil and gas wells, a substantial increase oil and gas production and extend well life .
Proppant to have a certain size and gradation of the natural sand or synthetic high-strength ceramic particles. Ceramic proppant (ceramic proppant) to bauxite as raw material by powder granulation, sintering , high temperature , high pressure , corrosion resistance, high strength, high conductivity , low density, low breakage rate , etc. , the most widely used . In the resin-coated sand or ceramic surface , it is possible to further improve the strength and conductivity properties of the proppant .

Monday, April 14, 2014

Material composition of ceramic proppant

Currently used mainly quartz sand maide proppants for hydraulic fracturing , bauxite sand and resin-coated ceramic composite particles. Due to the low cost of quartz sand , while lower density easy to pump , has been widely used , but quartz sand strong low end , the ball is poor, reducing the fracture conductivity , does not apply to high pressure deep well closed . Composite resin coated quartz sand particles , sphericity improved corrosion resistance strong, conductivity is also good , but the products remain short- term , the cost is too high, the cost of the promotion of the supremacy of today is not easy , and the use of bauxite ceramic craft maide ceramic proppants , high density, good sphericity , corrosion resistance , high temperature, high pressure, while costs can be better controlled , and therefore more widely used in oil and gas fields being . Practice has proved that the use of ceramic proppant fracturing oil wells can increase production by 30-50% , but also to extend the service life of oil and gas wells , is the key material oil, gas wells in low permeability oil and gas exploration, construction , not only to increase oil and gas production , and more to extend the service life of oil and gas wells .
The main raw materials of ceramic proppant is bauxite, while China is a country rich bauxite , bauxite distribution is highly concentrated, Shanxi, Guizhou, Henan and Guangxi in four provinces (regions ) of the total national reserves reserves Total of 90.9% ( 41.6% of Shanxi , Guizhou, 17.1% , 16.7%, Henan , Guangxi, 15.5% ) , and the remaining 15 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have bauxite reserves total only 9.1 % of the country 's total reserves . Chinese ceramic proppant manufactured good support for its ability to gradually replace conventional proppant sand, into the U.S. market . So far, the Chinese -made ceramic proppant ceramic proppant has occupied the entire North American market share of 13% , the average annual business volume of $ 3 billion

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Oil drilling equipment

According to the China Market Research Research finishing oil drilling equipment manufacturer refers to the land and sea oil and gas drilling equipment , including oilmaide well drilling equipment onshore oil rigs, offshore oil drilling and production equipment Pumping equipment , series mixers, other production equipment workover cementing equipment Series device fracturing equipment you speak short selling series , mud shaker ,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hydraulic fracturing multiple fractures basic theory

hydraulic fracturing benifits is a widely used technology transformation permeability reservoir . Since the eighties of last century , with the development of the oil industry , the need to increase the complexity of the transformation of the reservoir , it is recognized that a single plane of crack theory can not satisfactorily explain some of the construction parameters of the construction of the theory ; variety of detection methods prove underground cracks on the transverse or longitudinal extension of multiple simultaneously , which is caused by the reasons for the early sand plug and add sand construction failures ; currently on theoretical models and more cracks less . Therefore, an urgent need to study the formation mechanism of multiple fractures , multiple fracturing fluid , etc. while extending the model to study and understand the pros and cons exist multiple fractures , multiple fractures extending construction abnormal pressure , cracks and more cracks in the case of extended form, early sand blocking mechanism etc. , and thus provide for the elimination of multiple fractures theoretical support to guide people to the smooth transformation of low permeability , complex reservoirs . On the other hand , it will enhance people's understanding of the mechanism of fracturing , and promote the development of basic theory. Theory is the theory of multiple natural gas fracturing forefront of hydraulic fracturing theory, research more difficult , facing a lot of problems . In this paper, following the completion of exploration and research work , the formation of a research question multiple fractures ideas and model : 1, according to elastic mechanics , rock mechanics , fracture mechanics, spatial geometry of the basic principles established in the casing perforation inclined perforations two holes around the intersection of computing model shear stress due to the stress of the "secondary focus " and produced ; establish the existence of a small micro-ring under the surface , the casing perforation inclined cracking under the pressure of a large micro- computing torus case model . According to analogical reasoning , the establishment of the internal perforations fracture pressure model ; establish a model for the formation of cracks in the ruptured perforation perforations adjacent fracture pressure effects ; establish a general deviated from different directions at the crack crack perforating the total steering angle calculation model . 2 , the use of elastic mechanics , engineering mechanics , fracture mechanics, the basic theory of finite element theory, the theoretical model used to calculate the stress intensity factor of three , ie, the ends of the stress model , DDM model , dislocation density model ; established steering angle calculating several models . The above model can be used to study the near-wellbore fractures connection. 3 , on the basis of the ordinary two-dimensional fracture model, considering the near-wellbore steering and crack closure stress changes along the way , a new two-dimensional model of a single crack extending steering , the main features of the model solution is based on the length of each unit is prospective extension of time corresponding to the search . 4 , in considering the wellbore fluid compression deformation , based on the combination of crack extension , a new model of multiple three-dimensional cracks in the wellbore pressure increased successively opened , including wellbore pressure - model , three-dimensional model of a single crack extending steering , hold wellbore pressure model , taking into account the crack connection model and fracture pressure model, which is used to determine the initial fracturing bottomhole pressure increases, multiple fractures have been turned on, simulate changes in the hydraulic fracturing process, the number of initial crack . 5 , combined with the pressure in the wellbore coordination model , connecting multiple fractures of the model , a single large cracks extending steering simulation model to explain the mechanism of multiple cracks . 6 , in considering the crack closure stress and more interference filtration law changes , cracks steering, flow diversion , based on the establishment of a new model of the three-dimensional model and a plurality of longitudinal cracks in the calculation of two-dimensional multiple fractures , while simultaneously extending extending analog interfere with the multi- fracture closure stress , the pressure on the construction , crack width, the length of the impact of changes filtration laws. 7 , since the establishment of the analysis of different orientations to multi crack crack crack from the steering position with multiple fractures , starting with orientation

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fracturing sand control technology research and application

In recent years , with the integrated use of oil and gas exploration technology development and a variety of technology,Makes fracturing technology has been widely used in various types of reservoirs , low permeability reservoir is made ​​for a new sewing For high- permeability reservoirs is released near wellbore pollution, congestion. Accompanying the same After the oil is pressed out of the sand problem has been performing very prominent, seriously restricts the capacity of the well being Often play . Based on the Maide hydraulic fracking and sedimentary strata properties, formation sand force analysis,Determine the cause of formation sand . Continuous mechanical pump sand then lengthened as sand , laser
Slotted tube sand , and gravel pack sand test methods and chemical sand fracturing process approach Contrast. Due to mechanical sand valid way short lapse fast , clear and timely inspection must be replaced with
On the terms of a passive sand . To achieve a real sense of sand , you need to start from the ground ,To fully understand the formation of the relevant data , not only to adopt effective mechanical horizontal drilling craft,
While also using reasonable chemical sand process . This paper studies the mechanical sand to gravel Stone filling technology -based, chemical erosion control sand resin sand fracturing technology -based, mesh
The former has become a well pressed after resolving the problem of sand main technical means. And through the fracturing Shi Parameters of scientific optimization and how to control proppant flowback pressure after reflow to improve well productivity Can achieve capacity maximization. Construction parameters to optimize the effect of fracturing sand after pressure has focused on To influence , fracturing parameters optimized software now used by many, such as Gohfer, Fracpro, Mfrac, Stimplan fracturing design and simulation software , interior design and effective guidance now Field construction , making the fracturing design from the concept stage to real science . Resin sand fracturing erosion control work Arts and technology to adapt to the current situation Fuyu , essentially solved Fuyu out after fracturing sand The actual situation , not only in the whole of Jilin Oilfield Fuyu that have a wide range of applications at Value.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Resin coated frac sand companies

Resin coated proppant frac sand companies : pre-cured and cured . Precured resin coated Maide horizontal drilling have basically comprises the crosslinked resin-coated substrate. Pre -cured resin coating proppants provides crush resistance to the substrate. Since the oil was added before the resin -coated proppant is already cured layer , even under high temperature and pressure conditions are not blocking the Shale gas revolution.Such precured resin coated proppants by stress generally maintained around the well . Hydraulic fracturing in some environments, especially in the oil / gas production or cleaning process, the pre -cured well proppant flow back from the fracture . Some of the proppant from the wellbore fluid can enter the well with the generation of cracks area.